Posts tagged with ‘Entrepreneur’

9 Items

Leadership Lessons from The FRONT with guest Sharifah Hardie

by Mike Phillips

This week I have another amazing guest… Sharifah Hardie of “Ask Sharifah” The FRONT podcast is going live! Sharifah Hardie, also known as Ask Sharifah, is the CEO of and Sharifah is also Host of ‘Ask Sharifah’ a video interview webisode for entrepreneurs and influencers. AND she is an amazing woman and a […]

Motivation And Discipline | The FRONT

by Mike Phillips

Today I am sharing with you two key items for success in business. Motivation and discipline. Thanks for tuning in today to this episode of The FRONT. Two keys to business success are Motivation and Discipline This applies hether you are an entrepreneur, a business owner, a manager, or a supervisor, or simply someone that […]

Planning for what’s next | The FRONT

by Mike Phillips

What are you planning? Planning for what’s next … 2019! Everyone gets excited for the New Year and with it right around the corner, we start making plans and have ideas for what we want to do or be or achieve. I’m going to ask today what is your plan? Goals have to be definitive […]

Live Leadership Lessons from The FRONT with guest Evan Carmichael

by Mike Phillips

This week my guest is Evan Carmichael! If you are not previously familiar with Evan, he is like a motivational DJ of video content on YouTube! His channel is truly inspiring and Evan and his team have fresh remixes of leadership, motivation, innovation, and growth every day on his channel. Evan believes in entrepreneurs. At […]

Live Leadership Lessons from The FRONT with guest Kevin Knebl

by Mike Phillips

This week my guest is Kevin Knebl! Kevin is an absolute expert in relationships! He speaks on the power of connection, rapport, and relationship building in business. And, Kevin is The Most Recommended Business Speaker in the World among over 281,298 Business Speakers Worldwide (LinkedIn 2018). Kevin’s specialty is sale by relationship. It may not be the […]

Live Leadership Lessons from The FRONT with guest Jairek Robbins

by Mike Phillips

This week my guest is Jairek Robbins!  Jairek is a motivational speaker, strategic company evaluator, and high-performance coach! At only 23 years old, Jairek was awarded the Congressional Award (Gold Medal) from the United States Congress. And, he is a trusted advisor and board member to a variety of different companies. Jairek now has over […]

“Your One Word” Video Book Review

by Mike Phillips

Here is my video review of the book, “Your One Word” by Evan Carmichael. At the time of this writing, I have completed reading (on Amazon Kindle) or listening to Evan Carmichael’s book, “YOUR ONE WORD – The Powerful Secret To Creating a Business and Life That Matter,” three times through now.  A few words […]

Working On My One Word

by Mike Phillips

To find ONE WORD is likely to be the toughest, easy thing I’ve done. I have been reading or listening to rather (on Audible) Evan Carmichael’s book “Your One Word” and it is awesome! Evan is clear on his one-word #BELIEVE. Let me start off by saying that if you haven’t heard of Evan Carmichael, […]

It’s The Off Hours That Make The Difference

by Mike Phillips

Yes, that’s right – it’s the off hours. The late nights, the early mornings. The extra credit that you get no extra recognition from, that is the work that makes the difference. My Facebook, recent Google searches, Instagram photos, Twitter feed… they are all flooded with hundreds, if not thousands of entrepreneurs. They all offer […]