Posts by Mike Phillips

91100 of 460 items

You are unique. Be YOU!

by Mike Phillips

There is light in Your Own Uniqueness. Yes… YOU! We all have special and unique things about us. However, sometimes instead of being special, we see them as difficulties or obstacles or just weird. We often find ourselves comparing ourselves to others, trying to be the same, constantly competing, and pushing to be better… Better […]

Leadership. Be more.

by Mike Phillips

Leadership means being more. One thing I have learned from my time in leadership roles; I have learned a whole bunch of things, and many by accident… those are sometimes the best lessons. Anyway, leadership is about more than just managing a team or a project. Management to me has to do with things, the […]

A confused mind says, “NO.”

by Mike Phillips

Single point sales websites are powerful! I was doing some studying on digital marketing and websites in general.  Most websites having so many menus, differently collection tools, different pages… Most websites confuse people rather than direct them on what they came there for the first place. This is one of the reasons that sales funnels […]

It’s not the same journey.

by Mike Phillips

Any successful person that we see… Their journey always started much earlier than where we are seeing it from. We pick up and see where they are from today without seeing any of the backstories. It’s easy to look out and see how much more successful others appear than how we do… It’s just that […]

Thank God For Today

by Mike Phillips

I give thanks and gratitude to God today for giving me divine inspiration. For giving me the strength to continue. For speaking ideas and hope into me. I want to thank God for pushing me. For stretching me to expand and get outside of what is comfortable, cheap, and easy. I want to thank God […]

5 Tactics To Accountability.

by Mike Phillips

You are an accomplished leader. You want your team to win. When we are in a leadership role, we all want the people that work for us to be accomplished and accountable. We want them to feel happy and satisfied with their positions and how they interact with us. And… we want that to reflected […]

There’s never enough time. Quick Time Management Tip

by Mike Phillips

Toxic Boss? Watch this and ask these questions!

by Mike Phillips

My friend Mike runs a YouTube channel that is all about learning to be a better manager and what to do when you get into a leadership role. You might consider checking out his channel here –> Leadership with Mike – YouTube <–  And we got into a discussion the other evening in a social […]

3 Leadership Skills for Right Now

by Mike Phillips

WHAT MAKES A GREAT LEADER? First and foremost, leadership is not a title. Leadership is a collection of your actions and gaining people’s respect to move you forward into a role of service and command of a group of people. First we must understand that not all situations require the same type of leadership style. […]

Simple Marketing Ideas To Find More Customers

by Mike Phillips

Check this out ⚠️BUT⚠️ only if you want to sell more! We’ll explore 5 simple marketing ideas that you can use to generate more customers! These will work for you whether you are a startup, a longtime entrepreneur, someone in retail business management, or a front line salesperson that just wants to crush it in […]