Posts by Mike Phillips

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Leadership Lessons from The FRONT with guest Sharifah Hardie

by Mike Phillips

This week I have another amazing guest… Sharifah Hardie of “Ask Sharifah” The FRONT podcast is going live! Sharifah Hardie, also known as Ask Sharifah, is the CEO of and Sharifah is also Host of ‘Ask Sharifah’ a video interview webisode for entrepreneurs and influencers. AND she is an amazing woman and a […]

Sales Process Example | Simple and Proven 5 Step Process | The FRONT

by Mike Phillips

Today I’m sharing with you my 5 Step Sales Process example that drives proven results. This process can apply to many verticals in business and over a multitude of products. And, if you implement this, it can really simplify your life, and maximize the time involved from greeting to closing the sale. This works best […]

Achieving Your Dreams | The FRONT

by Mike Phillips

If you do this ONE THING you are on your way to achieving your dreams! What are your dreams? What do you want to accomplish today, tomorrow, or for your future? So often, people have great ideas, they have passion; they have fire and they have things they want to do. And just as often, […]

Empowering People | The FRONT

by Mike Phillips

It’s important for anyone in a leadership role to be empowering people. This is a basic principle to achieve high levels of success in an organization. Why? Because we can’t do everything ourselves. And if we don’t give responsibilities and power to others, then ultimately we will be forced to take on tasks ourselves. Including […]

Leader Shift | The FRONT

by Mike Phillips

Let’s talk about the leader shift that must take place in business so that everyone can continue to enjoy success. This is relevant to both leaders that are already running a business, and also those that are about to be taking on leadership responsibilities. Social media, technology, peoples mind about social media, and technology are […]

Leadership Lessons from The FRONT with guest Mat Koenig (ROUND 2)

by Mike Phillips

Join me this week with my awesome guest Mat Koenig! ROUND 2! This is a fantastic way to close out the Live Leadership Lesson series/season!!! Mat is such a great guy and I always absolutely love talking with him. Join us here! Mat is known for his outside the box leadership, sales, and marketing tactics. He is the co-founder […]

Live Leadership Lessons from The FRONT with guest Edward Karram

by Mike Phillips

This week’s Live Leadership Lesson from the FRONT is with another great guest Edward Karram. Edward is an entrepreneur, public speaker, business coach and the CEO of SELL-U. After owning several businesses from restaurants, martial arts studios, to construction companies, Edward stumbled, almost by accident on to the financial services sector. Here is where he […]

Motivation And Discipline | The FRONT

by Mike Phillips

Today I am sharing with you two key items for success in business. Motivation and discipline. Thanks for tuning in today to this episode of The FRONT. Two keys to business success are Motivation and Discipline This applies hether you are an entrepreneur, a business owner, a manager, or a supervisor, or simply someone that […]

Live Leadership Lessons from The FRONT with guest Jim Ziegler “The Alpha Dawg”

by Mike Phillips

I am thrilled and honored this week to have an amazing guest James A. Ziegler, The Alpha Dawg. I know that Jim will be bringing the FIRE during this Live Leadership Lesson on the FRONT. Jim Ziegler, The Alpha Dawg is one of the best known, and well-respected names in the Auto Industry. A wealth […]

Planning for what’s next | The FRONT

by Mike Phillips

What are you planning? Planning for what’s next … 2019! Everyone gets excited for the New Year and with it right around the corner, we start making plans and have ideas for what we want to do or be or achieve. I’m going to ask today what is your plan? Goals have to be definitive […]