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Fear of falling… UP?!

by Mike Phillips

This week I’ll talk about how fear can hold us back and some simple exercises thing you can do to eliminate the fear in your life. This talk comes to me from inspiration after watching my 5 year old niece scale a 60 foot wall while rock climbing. She didn’t try once and stop, she […]

You are HERE —> *

by Mike Phillips

All the talk of positivity. All the positive meditation. All the self affirmation and great positive energy. It’s time to look at yourself on your MAP and at very least determine OR better yet decide… stay where you are or keep pushing for the next level. Where are you now?

Attempt Pain – Get Motivation

by Mike Phillips

I have to say, my two boys inspired this one.  First off, what a wacky title… here’s the thought – PAIN (actually it’s avoidance of pain) IS THE STRONGEST MOTIVATOR!  No matter the type of pain: physical, mental, emotional – it’s proven that the avoidance of perceived pain is a stronger motivator than the gain […]

The YES Factor

by Mike Phillips


by Mike Phillips

Manage the ‘tude Dude!

by Mike Phillips

This week I explore the advantages of managing your personal state and attitude. You always have the power to decide: positive or negative – only two outcomes, make the decision, and make it a GOOD one! I’ll talk about some steps you can take to help in setting your mental state up for success, including […]

Powerful Communication and Conflict Resolution

by Mike Phillips

IT’S ANOTHER RADIO BLOG!!! This week we discuss some keys to more effective and powerful communication; communication for both business and personal relationships. By working on our communication it will give some additional ways for resolving problems and conflicts for both business and personal.

Are you waiting on someone else for your success

by Mike Phillips

This week I’ll discuss some of the roadblocks we create for ourselves. As Bob Proctor said, “You are the only problem you will ever have and you are the only solution.” I’ll talk about some activities that you can do to get out of your own way and create your own success, take your own […]

Where focus goes

by Mike Phillips

There are other writers, bloggers, speakers and general people that have written and spoken on the subject that I am writing on today.  Focus, belief, conviction and how they tie into people achieving high levels of success and blowing away goals and former boundaries set by themselves or members of society.  I am so excited […]

Step 1. Sell you… on you.

by Mike Phillips

If you are in sales, most likely you’ve taken the time to learn all of the necessary mechanics, sales procedures, proper process, closing techniques and good follow up skills.  There is one final, or maybe not so final step… in fact in my opinion, this should be step one!  You have to be sold on […]