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Lourdes Dane – 03/03/2004 – 07/21/2017

by Mike Phillips

Today, we had to say goodbye to our “baby girl,” Lourdes. We got her when she was just a puppy, 7 weeks. Full of so much energy and love through the years. I cannot even begin to put into words the way that she touched our family. My wife more than anyone. She had wanted […]

5 Minutes on Marriage and Relationships

by Mike Phillips

5 minutes on Marriage and Relationships [embedyt][/embedyt] Here I am with my cool and new car video mount. And today, I’m spending 5 minutes talking about marriage and relationships. I have been thinking about this all night. Marriage takes a lot of work  from both people. This is especially true in the auto industry. […]

A dedication to my wife

by Mike Phillips

Here is today’s dedication to my wife! Remember in the 80’s and 90’s the highest compliment when we were teenagers was the song dedication on the radio, or even better “the mix tape.” Here is my dedication today… For my wife. I love you.   Sometimes we all need the reminder to keep it fresh, […]

There is not a replacement for genuine caring (YouTube 2017)

by Mike Phillips

There is not a replacement for genuine caring  [embedyt][/embedyt] In the video,  Tonight in the  video I am going to discuss how there is no replacement for genuine caring. You actually need to care about other people. We are often so focused on ourselves. There is so much coming at us as individuals in […]

Value in Friendship

by Mike Phillips

There is deep value in friendship. Real friendship is one of the best activities in the world. I say it’s an activity, because friendship has to contain a genuine love for another person, which takes action (love is a verb). A genuine interest in another person. There is no demand and often no major complaints […]

The Power of Un-Choice

by Mike Phillips

We all know the power behind each choice that we make, whether for the long term or what we often think the smaller decisions that we make every day. Tonight I will spend time talking about what impact the of the un-choice… what impact do the choices we don’t make have and how does it […]

What color is the grass on your side?

by Mike Phillips

Tonight is for all the business and sales people out there. So often in business, especially in the retail sales industry we think things are so much better over here, or over there, or wherever. The saying actually goes, “The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.” YOU are the key […]

Just BREAK it!

by Mike Phillips

This episode is designed after a sales training technique called… go figure, the BREAK Method. BREAK is not something you physically do, it is not physically painful and is non-labor intensive. It’s only an acronym for Bypass, Restate, Expand, Ask, Keep. Whether it is to further your sales, improve on a relationship or tweak your […]

Power of Mentoring

by Mike Phillips

Whether in a one on one or in a group setting, personal coaching and mentoring is a very powerful tool. This week I’ll discuss some tips and process for powerful sessions and the benefits. I’ll explain benefits to everyone involved, including the mentor/coach. I’ll also explain the importance of continued development and growth for those […]

Powerful Communication and Conflict Resolution

by Mike Phillips

IT’S ANOTHER RADIO BLOG!!! This week we discuss some keys to more effective and powerful communication; communication for both business and personal relationships. By working on our communication it will give some additional ways for resolving problems and conflicts for both business and personal.