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Three Things That Increase Influence (replay) | The FRONT

by Mike Phillips

Leaders are leaders because they have influence! This video was such a hit, so by request… here are three things you can do to increase influence. If you engage actively, and spend the time to really work on or learn these three things, you can increase your influence and your leadership aptitude. 1. Know yourself […]

Live Leadership Lessons from The FRONT with guest Anthony Alagona

by Mike Phillips

This week my guest is Anthony Alagona!  Anthony is a nationally recognized Sales, BDC, and Motivational Trainer. He is an absolute rockstar on Business Development Center Training. He helps find customers, maintain customers, and create an amazing post-sale experience for people that buy. His roots are in hospitality and his heart is now in the car […]

Leadership Ripple Effect (replay) | The FRONT

by Mike Phillips

This is a replay today from one of my highest rated episodes. The Leadership Ripple Effect. It’s just like throwing a rock into a pond. The ripples and waves push outward. Whether you are positive or negative, the leadership ripple hits the shore. It produces a powerful force and distributes either the positivity or negativity […]

Live Leadership Lessons from The FRONT with guest Shawn Hays

by Mike Phillips

This week my guest is Shawn Hays!  Shawn is known for his all-around awesomeness. Shawn has been an absolute force for good in the auto industry. He talks about the power of positive change, training, and daily inspiration. Shawn is just beginning his own leadership journey and he is someone truly leading from the front […]

What is Motivation? (The FRONT)

by Mike Phillips

Motivation at its core is NEED. Maybe it’s also want. And, motivation is the desire to accomplish something. It is the desire to get better, to have something better, or to at least have something different than what we have now. The word motivation is derived from the Latin root “mot” which means to move, […]

Reminder: You Are Excellent! (The FRONT)

by Mike Phillips

That’s right! YOU… are excellent! Whatever day or time you are watching this video, I want to remind you that you are an amazing and unique being. You are excellent! In fact, stand up and tell yourself that… “I am EXCELLENT!” (You can yell it if you want to!) And for anyone that is listening, […]

Live Leadership Lessons from The FRONT with guest Subi Ghosh

by Mike Phillips

This week my guest is Subi Ghosh!  Subi is an absolutely awesome woman! Subi is known mostly for her business shenanigans… but seriously, she absolutely crushes it when it comes to Company Culture, Consumer Experience, Branding, and the concept of Leadership vs Management. She has a straightforward and commanding leadership style. Subi works for Stream Companies […]

How To Make Yourself Do It When You Don’t Want To (The FRONT #105)

by Mike Phillips

Do you have those days that you just don’t want to? When you want to push your projects and … well, anything else for that matter to the back burner. The days where you would rather eat cake and sit on a couch, maybe play video games, rather than make any strides towards great accomplishments? […]

Live Leadership Lessons from The FRONT with guest Mat Koenig

by Mike Phillips

This week my guest is Mat Koenig!  You can connect with Mat through Mat is known for his outside the box leadership, sales, and marketing tactics. He is the co-founder of the Rockstar Auto Conference and is the creator of the first Spanish Classified and Spanish Website Solution. What a great interview. Mat really […]

Happy Father’s Day + 3 Things I’m Thankful For (The FRONT #103)

by Mike Phillips

Today, on this Father’s day episode of the FRONT… I just wanted to share the three things I am thankful for, my three kids: Colin, Carter, and Emersyn. And here are a few notes on what I am most proud of from each of them. Colin His character, he has a very strong moral compass, […]