It really isn’t… about you I mean.

I know it’s a tough pill to swallow. You just made the cut, you just got promoted into management. Especially if you are early on in your career. You may feel like you have something to prove… and you should. After all, you have to show that you can do it, do it all, accomplish stuff… show that you are valuable.

The real value comes in creating more value through yourself into other people. By making others more valuable, you become the cornerstone.

TRUST ME on this one. Invest in others. Invest in your knowledge and flood your people, your team, with that knowledge. Allow them to soak it up. (Just be ready for a few of them to drown in it.)

The more quickly you realize that everything is not about you. The more quickly you can move quickly towards your goals. Move ahead for yourself, your team, your company.
