I have heard it said, that you are what you feed your mind.
One of my favorite quotes, in fact, is by Napoleon Hill, and it says, “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”
This is a repeated theory from the Bible –
“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.
With all of the media we consume in our daily lives now, the default seems to be negative information feed.
You MUST be deliberate in seeking out the positive. You must be deliberate in feeding your mind with inspiration, motivation, and training.
The key word in that Bible verse. KEEP, as in keep going, to continue. There is a message about consistency! And, one problem in our current high-speed internet society is that right now since information IS so readily available… we want the answer immediately and if we can get answers that quickly… we want results in the same time frame.
Results come through constant action, consistent action, it’s what happens over time.
So here’s the deal – be deliberate and consistent in what you are seeking. In what you are consuming and training yourself on. Take a little piece of positive action in a direction that you want to go every day.
When you start feeding your mind the right things, you’ll be blown away at how quickly things start to fall into place.
Here are a few simple things to look for when you are feeding your mind right.
- If it makes you smile. Look for more things like that.
- If the activity makes you think and question, become curious. That can lead to powerful learning
- If the media you are tuned into evokes emotion. You know, positive emotions, like love, joy, interest, or pride – then consume more of that.
Those are really three simple keys to what goes into my daily learning. What sort of things do you like to feed your mind? Do you have a different method for what media or training you consume?
As always… thank you for watching, listening and SUBSCRIBING!
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