Lead The Team Blog

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Live Leadership Lessons from The FRONT with guest Jim Ziegler “The Alpha Dawg”

by Mike Phillips

I am thrilled and honored this week to have an amazing guest James A. Ziegler, The Alpha Dawg. I know that Jim will be bringing the FIRE during this Live Leadership Lesson on the FRONT. Jim Ziegler, The Alpha Dawg is one of the best known, and well-respected names in the Auto Industry. A wealth […]

Planning for what’s next | The FRONT

by Mike Phillips

What are you planning? Planning for what’s next … 2019! Everyone gets excited for the New Year and with it right around the corner, we start making plans and have ideas for what we want to do or be or achieve. I’m going to ask today what is your plan? Goals have to be definitive […]

Live Leadership Lessons from The FRONT with guest George J. Chanos

by Mike Phillips

This week my guest is George J Chanos. This week I’m excited to be interviewing another fantastic guest for Live Leadership Lessons from the FRONT, the amazing George Chanos! George J. Chanos, Esq. served as Nevada’s 31st Attorney General. He administered Nevada’s Department of Justice and acted as the state’s chief legal officer and advisor. He […]

Positivity in Leadership | The FRONT | Mike Phillips

by Mike Phillips

Today is about the power of Positivity in Leadership! 1. When you communicate in a positive manner to yourself, your verbiage makes its way from the inside of you to the outside world. 2. YES, becomes your default mode. 3. Positivity creates results and results attract talent. A positive mindset is more than just looking […]

The #1 Sales Skill | The FRONT

by Mike Phillips

Today I am talking about the #1 sales skill. Please join me, and share your opinion on what the number one sales skill is in the comments below! 🔥 Thank you for watching 🔥 [podcast src=”https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/7856798/height/360/theme/standard/thumbnail/yes/preload/no/direction/forward/” height=”360″ width=”100%” placement=”bottom” theme=”standard”] Download This Episode Now!

Live Leadership Lessons from The FRONT with guest Cory Mosley

by Mike Phillips

This week my guest is Cory Mosley! With me this week on The FRONT is Cory Mosley, this guy is an all-around amazing business leader!!    Cory is an award-winning business strategist, coach, and speaker. He has been an entrepreneur since the age of 14 with business interests in the salon, laundry, business consulting, automotive, […]

Leadership and Sales Q&A | The FRONT

by Mike Phillips

Today on The FRONT I am doing live Q&A on Leadership and Sales. Please join me. If you are LIVE, join in the conversation in the chat bar. If you are watching later – love to hear your thoughts in the comments below! Here are a few questions I address today. 1. How can you […]

Live Leadership Lessons from The FRONT with guest Lisa Copeland

by Mike Phillips

This week my guest is Lisa Copeland! Lisa is an amazingly influential and hardworking businesswoman! She travels the country speaking to small businesses, associations, and large corporations teaching methods that got her to the top of her field. She understands what customers want and how to motivate them to buy. And because she understands the […]

Meaningful Conversations | The FRONT

by Mike Phillips

Today I am talking about listening to each other and having meaningful conversations. It’s important that when someone is wanting or needing to connect that we make the time. This can be for management or leadership, listening to their people. Vice-versa this is important from an employee perspective when you need to connect with someone else. One […]

Live Leadership Lessons from The FRONT with guest David Villa

by Mike Phillips

This week my guest is David Villa! With me, this week on The FRONT is a multi-talented businessman, speaker, and author… David Villa! David Villa is the founder and CEO of iPD, a marketing, media and training firm that works with companies of all sizes and industries across the United States. He has over 20 years […]