Posts tagged with ‘Business Management’

101110 of 235 items

Eye To Eye: The Greeting. (The FRONT #84)

by Mike Phillips

An eye to eye meeting and greeting of people is always valuable. And, one of the most important pieces of information that you will learn as a sales consultant is the professional greeting. Whether you are a sales consultant in retail, working with customers in your everyday life. Or if you are B2B sales, hoping […]

Staying Consistent (The FRONT #79)

by Mike Phillips

You must stay consistent in your daily activities! I’ve said it before and said it consistently – SUCCESS LEAVES CLUES! First, let’s talk about what consistency is: CONSISTENCY – conformity in the application of something. Acting in the same way over time, especially so as to be fair or accurate. Unchanging in nature. So consistency […]

What Others Pour In (The FRONT #77)

by Mike Phillips

I am talking about what people are pouring in, to you! I did this as another Facebook Live Episode, which I am beginning to enjoy more! You are either in some form of leadership, you are acknowledged as a leader, or you want to be. As leaders, actually as people, we all pour ourselves into others […]

Keeping People (The FRONT #76)

by Mike Phillips

Let’s talk about KEEPING PEOPLE, and employee retention! I have been in management and leadership roles in excess of 25 years now. Owned businesses, managed businesses, coached sports at a high level, and now having been in automotive management for roughly 15 years. I’ve found that our people, our employees, really want some key things […]

Phone Follow Up Tips (The FRONT #74)

by Mike Phillips

Today I am talking about some phone follow up tips. These are things that maybe in the past we probably once saw as basic skills or just normal communication and then we got trained and became salespeople… There has been much debate lately about the sales process, and phone process… and processes for your process. […]

Fast Forward 7 Years…

by Mike Phillips

This came through my feed (my wife’s actually) from 7 years ago today. Sometimes, it’s worth looking back only to see how far along we’ve come. It’s also fun to see what was relevant in our lives before and what is important now. I think the principles I was discussing seven years ago are still […]

Happy Valentine’s Day 2018 (The FRONT #68) – LIVE!

by Mike Phillips

Happy Valentine’s Day 2018! Today, I decided to do a Facebook Live! For episode #68. To tell my wife and my family – THANK YOU! So often, as managers or leaders, we get tied up. We get busy. We forget to just say, “thank you,” to those that are continually supporting us throughout our crazy […]

Some Leadership Notes (The FRONT #67)

by Mike Phillips

Today, I just compiled some of my thoughts on paper and put together five leadership notes. Many people think they are leaders. Some are correct… and frankly, some are not. Sometimes people are just wrong in their assessment. Right now, in 2018, anyone with some social accounts and money to spend on ads can stake […]

Refresh Friday from Feb 9th, 2018 | Dealer Refresh Panel | News From The Forums

by Mike Phillips

Today was a great conversation about all things automotive on Refresh Friday! I was fortunate to be invited on to an amazing automotive forum show this week. It’s Refresh Friday, hosted by the guys from Dealer Refresh, Jeff Kershner and Alex Snyder. Myself and Bob George from were the featured guests. The topics ranged from […]

Tax Time & How’s Your Downstroke? | Auto Dealer Live Episode #310

by Mike Phillips

It’s tax refund time, we are talking about down payments and “How’s Your Downstroke?” I was honored and humbled to sit down and participate in episode #310 of Auto Dealer Live this week. This week on the show was David Villa, David Cribbs, Patrick Obrien, El Patronn, and myself. The topic for the show was tax time and […]