Posts tagged with ‘Business Management’

191200 of 229 items

Facebook Live Challenge – Day 8 – False Prophets and Fantastic Friday

by Mike Phillips

Facebook Live Challenge – Day 8  [embedyt][/embedyt] Today, I am primarily talking about false prophets in the Auto Industry (or most any industry for that matter). Here is what I mean by that statement. There are many gurus, experts and prophets that are coming out of the woodwork in the form of vendors. And when […]

Sometimes it’s just about success…

by Mike Phillips

I’m sure you have heard the saying that if you fail enough times you may find success. Certainly, there are blogs, books, and training courses on this subject. Ways of training people just like you and I to be resilient. To try “until” and have tenacity to continue with a task even when the pain […]

7 Things Influential Leaders Do

by Mike Phillips

People of influence, influential people, those in leadership roles, at their best, have the ability to effectively gain agreement from others. We all want to be more convincing: to persuade others and we want to influence business leaders on how a project or task will generate a return on investment for their company. Many people seek […]

Smile and Dial! – Four Steps to Phenomenal Follow Up

by Mike Phillips

I was conducting a sales training session recently. The subject of “follow up” became the focal topic during this particular session. And, during that time several questions were asked on the topic of follow up specifically. How do I tend to run such a high return call rate? What is the secret to getting the […]

Change The World By Your Example, Not Your Opinion

by Mike Phillips

To me, this means take action, be a change agent. I was on Facebook the other day and read this statement. “Change the world by your example, not your opinion.” To me, this is a profound statement. People’s opinions get shared significantly more often than than anyone will opt to do something about a given situation. There are […]

What If You Tried Until…?

by Mike Phillips

When adults are trying to tackle a task or chasing a goal,  most people will make the attempt, once, twice, maybe three times… then quit. There is no more try, left in them. So whatever it is that they were trying to do just stops. Meanwhile, success takes consistency, it takes resilience and tenacity. Consistency is […]

Resolution or Revolution – Heck, just do it! 2017!

by Mike Phillips

Its that time of year again… NEW YEARS DAY! Whoopee! It’s the time that (most) everyone decides to make their yearly commitments and resolutions to do better…  workout more, work harder, be more awesome, be a better husband, father or family member, and so on. I have a question for you on  this New Years […]

It’s coming… 2017! Have a prosperous New Year!

by Mike Phillips

Get Your Ball Rolling! Finding More Motivation!

by Mike Phillips

Motivation isn’t magic; though it does sometimes just appear – motivation is need (or want). Motivation is a general willingness to do something, anything. When you NEED or WANT something badly enough, your brain kicks into gear and finds a way to work it out and get it. I know we’ve all been there, I […]

On Leadership

by Mike Phillips

Leadership is both a research area for many and a defined and practical skill. It is the ability of a person to guide other individuals, teams, or entire organizations (or more). To be a leader, or lead, you MUST be in front forging a path!  You mostly will go down the untraveled path. Being bold in […]