Posts tagged with ‘Business Management’

211220 of 235 items

Perception – what I see is what it be!

by Mike Phillips

We have all heard “Perception is our reality.”  I am a huge fan of that statement.  In fact Albert Einstein said, “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one!”  So what does that mean really?  Perception is your idea, your awareness or understanding of your environment – YOU ARE THE WRITER OF YOUR […]


by Mike Phillips

Check out tonight’s radio blog! This week I’ll talk about clearly what the title says.  You must work to win.  To do that, first I’ll spend a little time defining WORK, in my terms and how that ties in to winning.  I’ll talk about things like really enjoying what you are working on and re-defining […]

10 Traits of Successful Salespeople

by Mike Phillips

If you’ve made the plunge and you have drive, desire and tenacity paired with a charming smile and armor like thick skin, then you have a good foundation to be a professional sales consultant.  While not everyone is cut out to make it as a salesperson, there are certain traits that will guarantee a person’s […]

Six Things To Take Action On Right Now

by Mike Phillips

This applies to everyone, from sales people to management, right on up to CEO’s and owners in organizations. Everyone wants some magical answer to have their business take off and grow beyond their wildest dreams.  In reality, most sales organizations have everything right in front of them to build and grow their business. Many of […]

The Success Formula

by Mike Phillips

It’s a bold statement – you’ll just have to tune in to find out.  First of all, there are three easy things that can help take you to the next level.  Two of these are a refresher that I discuss regularly on my program; the third may surprise you.  See you there, for… The Success […]

Making The Impact!

by Mike Phillips

This show is all about MAKING THE IMPACT! Whether it’s personal or business, relationships or self improvement, YOU have to make an IMPACT to MAKE a CHANGE.  You have to make an impact for anything to take hold.  You have to start with an impact for progress to initiate and success to bloom! Join me […]

Passion Creates Power

by Mike Phillips

What excites you? What turns you on? What are you truly passionate about? The existence of passion in our lives creates power. This is the power that gets stuff done, it is what keeps us going, keeps us pushing through our perceived barriers. Passion is how we look at others that are accomplishing what we […]

Happy Employees Creates Happy Customers

by Mike Phillips

A few months back I talked about how “Performance Trumps Product Every Time” – so one of the big questions is then, how do we get our employees bought into that same belief system to produce the performance. I’ll give you several ways to improve your overall employee experience which translates to your teams customer […]

The Power of Un-Choice

by Mike Phillips

We all know the power behind each choice that we make, whether for the long term or what we often think the smaller decisions that we make every day. Tonight I will spend time talking about what impact the of the un-choice… what impact do the choices we don’t make have and how does it […]

Three Rules For Great Managers

by Mike Phillips