Posts tagged with ‘Business Management’

221229 of 229 items

Just BREAK it!

by Mike Phillips

This episode is designed after a sales training technique called… go figure, the BREAK Method. BREAK is not something you physically do, it is not physically painful and is non-labor intensive. It’s only an acronym for Bypass, Restate, Expand, Ask, Keep. Whether it is to further your sales, improve on a relationship or tweak your […]

Fear of falling… UP?!

by Mike Phillips

This week I’ll talk about how fear can hold us back and some simple exercises thing you can do to eliminate the fear in your life. This talk comes to me from inspiration after watching my 5 year old niece scale a 60 foot wall while rock climbing. She didn’t try once and stop, she […]

You are HERE —> *

by Mike Phillips

All the talk of positivity. All the positive meditation. All the self affirmation and great positive energy. It’s time to look at yourself on your MAP and at very least determine OR better yet decide… stay where you are or keep pushing for the next level. Where are you now?

Featured On

by Mike Phillips

The YES Factor

by Mike Phillips

100% Communication – Create Congruency

by Mike Phillips

This week I will discuss the communication model and how it breaks down, in percentages. By knowing the specific break down. This works great for sales professionals communicating with prospects and existing customers; it works well in our personal lives with friends, and more importantly our families.

Saluto, The Greeting – First 10 Seconds

by Mike Phillips

THE GREETING. Welcome to your first day as a professional sales consultant, I don’t mean like your first, first day… I mean your first real live day on your own.  You have the desk, some business cards, shirt and tie… check.  The business you work for has given you their “sales process” or “road to […]

Power of Mentoring

by Mike Phillips

Whether in a one on one or in a group setting, personal coaching and mentoring is a very powerful tool. This week I’ll discuss some tips and process for powerful sessions and the benefits. I’ll explain benefits to everyone involved, including the mentor/coach. I’ll also explain the importance of continued development and growth for those […]


by Mike Phillips