Posts tagged with ‘Communication’

1120 of 25 items

5 Tips On Learning Effectively (The FRONT #32)

by Mike Phillips

Today I am talking about effective learning and growth. When people are learning and growing, it makes them more valuable. More valuable to themselves in the form of self-confidence and self-worth and upgraded intra-personal skills. It makes them more valuable to their families, improves interpersonal skills and their relationships. And certainly, makes them more valuable […]

Relationships. They Take Action.

by Mike Phillips

Relationships, yes, they are hard. It takes action and work to make them awesome. Relationships are not about proximity. Though when you are physically near somebody, it often feels easier to get along, because you are around them more often. They are not about how close someone is to you, but how close you feel […]

Besides Talent, You Must Also Have Skills

by Mike Phillips

Besides talents, you must have the skills to see long-term success. Talent is defined as having a natural aptitude. And, Skill is having the ability to do something well; expertise.  I like working with talented people. People that have a raw and natural ability to accomplish and accel in their chosen craft. I also admire and enjoy working with […]

Communication Is About Reception

by Mike Phillips

The quality of communication is how it is received. Not on what you think you said or shared. When we communicate, everything is based on the perception of the receiver. You must be able to articulate your thoughts in a practical manner. When you do this, others can truly receive an understanding of what the content of […]

Who was your most important connection today?

by Mike Phillips

Do you know the most important connection you made today? Odds are, with our highly digital and “connected” world, you don’t. I for one, when I got into the social media realm measured my success like so many others in clicks. How many likes, how many friends, or connections, how many reshares. Problem is that doesn’t […]

When The Door Opens (The FRONT #7)

by Mike Phillips

When the door opens… sometimes you have to step into the black hole, the void. You must have the courage to walk by faith, and not by sight. When you make the choice to go through the doorway, it always has two outcomes. Sometimes you just have to make the decision to leap! Please watch the […]

A dedication to my wife

by Mike Phillips

Here is today’s dedication to my wife! Remember in the 80’s and 90’s the highest compliment when we were teenagers was the song dedication on the radio, or even better “the mix tape.” Here is my dedication today… For my wife. I love you.   Sometimes we all need the reminder to keep it fresh, […]

Facebook Live Challenge – Day 19 – Training, On Training

by Mike Phillips

Facebook Live Challenge – Day 19 – Training, On Training [embedyt][/embedyt] Tonight my video is on training. This is not just on training, but how to conduct and produce a quality teaching session. There are two fundamental keys to start with. Number one – train on things you are good at, if you are not […]

Value in Friendship

by Mike Phillips

There is deep value in friendship. Real friendship is one of the best activities in the world. I say it’s an activity, because friendship has to contain a genuine love for another person, which takes action (love is a verb). A genuine interest in another person. There is no demand and often no major complaints […]

Happy Employees Creates Happy Customers

by Mike Phillips

A few months back I talked about how “Performance Trumps Product Every Time” – so one of the big questions is then, how do we get our employees bought into that same belief system to produce the performance. I’ll give you several ways to improve your overall employee experience which translates to your teams customer […]