Posts tagged with ‘Connecting’

3140 of 49 items

Philadelphia and IS20G Recap (The Front #10)

by Mike Phillips

This is my recap last week from Philadelphia and The Internet Sales 20 Group Recap (#IS20G) This week I recap my trip to Philadelphia, PA for the Internet Sales 20 Group. This conference (or event) is hosted by Sean V. and Karen Bradley’s company Dealer Synergy. It was an excellent event. Hosted by great people. […]

When The Door Opens (The FRONT #7)

by Mike Phillips

When the door opens… sometimes you have to step into the black hole, the void. You must have the courage to walk by faith, and not by sight. When you make the choice to go through the doorway, it always has two outcomes. Sometimes you just have to make the decision to leap! Please watch the […]

Made it to Cheesesteak in Philly!

by Mike Phillips

It has been a lengthy 2 days at the Internet Sales 20 Group here in Philly! Yes, for 4 days I am in Philadelphia, PA for a great learning workshop the #IS20G. WOW! What a ton of information I have received (but, I’ll recap that later). I have ONE thing to do while I’m here… for […]

It’s about the response

by Mike Phillips

Staying positive is all about your response. In fact, most of life is all about how you choose to respond. A choice is a very powerful thing. The power to choose when making decisions always creates an outcome. Even if it isn’t the outcome you wanted or expected. It’s an outcome. In your responses and […]

At The End Of The Day…

by Mike Phillips

At the end of the day… Sometimes we just need it to be the end of the day. Let me explain. We are so constantly going, so constantly moving that sometimes our bodies and our minds just need a break. The constant bombardment of people and things; social media, you MUST feed that beast! (Well […]

A Quick Sunday Chat – Faith, Family, Friends, and Fun

by Mike Phillips

A Quick Sunday Chat – Faith, Family, Friends, and Fun Today’s video below is just a quick Sunday chat on Faith, Family, Friends, and Fun. Make sure on this Sunday that you spend time with all of those. So often in our fast paced world, we all need that simple reminder. [embedyt][/embedyt] I hope […]

Facebook Live Challenge – Day 10 – Finding Your Purpose(s)

by Mike Phillips

Facebook Live Challenge – Day 10 – Purpose “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” ~ Mark Twain [embedyt][/embedyt] Like the quote says, I used to think that I was searching for my purpose. And for a brief time, I […]

Facebook Live Challenge – Day 8 – False Prophets and Fantastic Friday

by Mike Phillips

Facebook Live Challenge – Day 8  [embedyt][/embedyt] Today, I am primarily talking about false prophets in the Auto Industry (or most any industry for that matter). Here is what I mean by that statement. There are many gurus, experts and prophets that are coming out of the woodwork in the form of vendors. And when […]

Smile and Dial! – Four Steps to Phenomenal Follow Up

by Mike Phillips

I was conducting a sales training session recently. The subject of “follow up” became the focal topic during this particular session. And, during that time several questions were asked on the topic of follow up specifically. How do I tend to run such a high return call rate? What is the secret to getting the […]

The NOW can be greater than the NEXT

by Mike Phillips

Often, we get all fired up and focused on what we should be doing next. Write the next blog, work on our business, building, growing and becoming something bigger than we are right now. We continue to push and work on the next important thing. While, the next thing is certainly important make sure that […]