Posts tagged with ‘Leadership’

161170 of 341 items

Willingness (The FRONT #98)

by Mike Phillips

There is something special about willingness. This is straight up having the will, preparedness, desire, and the want to do something. When you type the word willingness into Google, It’s just a bunch of definitions. There aren’t a plethora of articles, or blogs, or people talking about what it is to be willing… to do […]

Reminders For My Kids (The FRONT #97)

by Mike Phillips

Today I am sharing some reminders for my kids. And actually… these are also reminders from my kids! These three items are things that can work wonders. I remind my kids of these things regularly. Especially my daughter right now, this has been her mantra. We approach this with youth athletics, with our family, and […]

Making the Connection (The FRONT #96)

by Mike Phillips

This episode of the FRONT is about the phone call and making the connection with the customer. This one is about sales. Whether you are in front line sales, especially auto sales, business development (or BDC), this one is for you. I appreciate that there are options other than just the phone call – there is text, chat, FB Messenger […]

Sales Hustlers Spotlight with Shawn Hays and guest Mike Phillips | May 22, 2018

by Mike Phillips

Sales Hustler’s Spotlight with the host, Shawn Hays and me, Mike Phillips, as the guest. This show is hosted by Shawn Hays and sponsored by Quickpage – you can check it out here – This was a very fun show and a great conversation! Shawn asked very thoughtful, insightful and sometimes hard questions to […]

Holding The Door (The FRONT #95)

by Mike Phillips

Have you ever stopped in front of a building and watched the interactions at the door? I was walking out of a convenience store the other day, as a man moving slowly with a cane was approaching – my natural thought was then to step out and hold the door for this older gentlemen. That […]

Rockstar Recap, May 2018 (The FRONT #94)

by Mike Phillips

My #1’s from each speaker at the Rockstar Auto Conference, May 2018 Today I am going to share my top take away from each speaker at the RockStar Auto Conference in that happened this past weekend in Vegas. These are not in order of importance, and there was certainly an entire LIST that I could […]

Happy Mother’s Day 2018 (The FRONT #93)

by Mike Phillips

Happy Mother’s Day! To all of the mom’s – THANK YOU! You are unbelievable and amazing people! For all of the things you do, the time, the energy you invest in your children, and your families. We love and appreciate you! Happy Mother’s Day!  [podcast src=”” height=”360″ width=”450″ placement=”bottom” theme=”standard”] Download This Episode Now!

Coaching in the Moment. (The FRONT #92)

by Mike Phillips

One valuable lesson that I learned from coaching youth sports, is some of the best lessons are taught on the spot. They are learned in the moment, in the NOW! Often in leadership, we strive for structure. We want to have a training session, or a one-on-one opportunity, or a plan to mentor someone. Plans […]

Be Brave Enough To Start A Conversation That Matters (The FRONT #91)

by Mike Phillips

I’ve heard this quote before today – “Be Brave Enough to Start a Conversation That Matters” and It speaks to me. I’ve had notes on my list to have a talk about this for a bit, and today is when it matters 😊 Today – I have a little different format than normal. Today on […]

Being Deliberate (The FRONT #90)

by Mike Phillips

Today we talk about being deliberate. Being on purpose. Living on purpose. I’ve talked about the idea of being deliberate before – in learning (The FRONT#41 & The FRONT #46), in attitude (The FRONT #63), and in other areas. But what does it actually mean to be deliberate about something? The definition of deliberate is […]