Posts tagged with ‘Leadership’

171180 of 341 items

Letting Go Of Control (The FRONT #89)

by Mike Phillips

I’ve been reminded this week at least three, maybe four… or five times, in a short time frame, that the most growth comes from letting go of control. People in leadership – type A people who work their tails off to get to where they’re going. You know what they have a really hard time […]

Fortitude (The FRONT #88)

by Mike Phillips

Today I’m onto a simple subject, fortitude. We’re going to have a frank discussion and pull in character, and leadership. Fortitude is defined as courage in pain or adversity. Coupled with character, which is the mental and moral strength of an individual, if you have those two things, you are on your way to being […]

Doing The Right Thing (The FRONT #87)

by Mike Phillips

Doing what is right, isn’t always easy. Even when it comes to success which uses mostly simple principles in the climb. Simple doesn’t always translate to easy. In fact, ask any person that you view as successful and they will likely tell you on how to hit success, one of the primary drivers, “Just do […]

Two Key Leadership Skills (The FRONT #86)

by Mike Phillips

Let’s talk about a couple, two specifically key leadership skills! Today I’m sharing two skills that I think are highly underutilized once we get into leadership and management. And they are significant keys to success. And yes, I’ve probably mentioned these before… but, it’s one of those things that’s speaking to me right now. Before […]

30 Days Of Bible Verses (A Recap)

by Mike Phillips

So, for 30 days, from March 11, 2018, to April 10, 2018, I read the Bible on Facebook Live. And, yes, I know that if you do the math… it’s 31 days. I did an intro (Day 0), plus then proceeded to read for 30 days… maybe for extra credit. (You can see the entire playlist and […]

The FRONT – Info on Faith, Passion, Training, and Fire (The FRONT #85)

by Mike Phillips

Welcome! Today, I’m talking about this podcast and some things I have coming up. I’ll be happy stop a few times, since we’re live, feel free to ask some questions in the sidebar! So, let’s chat. This happens to be the 85th Episode of THE FRONT – I started this podcast to really focus on: […]

Eye To Eye: The Greeting. (The FRONT #84)

by Mike Phillips

An eye to eye meeting and greeting of people is always valuable. And, one of the most important pieces of information that you will learn as a sales consultant is the professional greeting. Whether you are a sales consultant in retail, working with customers in your everyday life. Or if you are B2B sales, hoping […]

LEADERSHIP: Owning It! (The FRONT #83)

by Mike Phillips

How do you handle it when things don’t go right? If you are a manager or leader – YOU MUST OWN the situation. Owning anything is defined as belonging to oneself. And also accepting responsibility, being accountable in situations. When it comes to customers you have an opportunity to win or lose big. Especially in […]

Happy Easter 2018 (The FRONT #81)

by Mike Phillips

Happy Easter! Happy Resurrection Day! Matthew 28:6 “He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead, just as he said would happen. Come, see where his body was lying.” Happy Easter – May God bless you and your family today! It is today that we celebrate the resurrection! Go, spread hope and rejoice! He is […]

What Are You Trying to Get Out of Today? (The FRONT #80)

by Mike Phillips

So today I returned to my kickboxing class. I’ve been out of it for a few weeks. And there was a change coming today. Humans, in general, don’t like change – and even when change is good, it can cause an initial negative reaction for most anyone. Our regular instructor which everyone knows and loves […]