Posts tagged with ‘Leadership’

221230 of 341 items

Fired Up Friday (#2)

by Mike Phillips

Happy Friday Everyone! Sometimes, just some words of encouragement can turn around someone’s entire day! After all, everyone needs words of encouragement sometimes. Positive and upbeat quotes, sayings, or thoughts from someone else can inspire and give you confidence and optimism. Especially when or if that person is in our direct circle. We all get […]

You Need the Line in the Sand… Sometimes.

by Mike Phillips

The line in the sand? It’s true. There is still a time and place for authoritarian leadership. We are in an age of democratic and collaborative, feel-good leadership. During this time, right now, in history, many leaders, speakers, and trainers are instructing company management and executive leadership that everyone needs to feel included and that all […]

Fired Up Friday! (#1)

by Mike Phillips

Happy Friday Everyone! I love a Friday as much as anyone else! And… I figure since this is our “Music and Motivation Station” on BOOM the Box, I’m gonna launch a pumped up blog series on Fridays. So please, tune in and read up! Tonight for the #1 Fired Up Friday, I’m going to give you – Three […]

Happy Thanksgiving 2017

by Mike Phillips

Give thanks! Praise God and be thankful to Him. Have a blessed day today. Be thankful for family, friends, and those people that pop into your life because you know that God has put them there for a reason.   From my family to yours, I hope you have an awesome, blessed and Happy Thanksgiving today! […]

Manager and Leader Are Not Synonymous.

by Mike Phillips

Managing versus Leading. Management and leadership are often spoken of hand-in-hand. These two words are often used interchangeably. They are not the same thing. There is a place for both management and leadership in business. You need good managers that can logistically handle things. And, you need good leaders that can grow people. It’s rare […]

Rockstar Auto Conference Vegas Recap (The FRONT #44)

by Mike Phillips

This is a video recap from my trip to Las Vegas and The Rockstar Automotive Conference (#RACV) This auto conference was really a fun and phenomenal event! It is hosted by Mat Koenig and Chris Speer – and WOW – did they put on a show! I hadn’t attended the Rockstar Conference prior, so I went […]

Taking Inspirational Action (The FRONT #43)

by Mike Phillips

Today we are talking about more than taking action… take inspirational action! Any time you take a class, or workshop, conference or training, most of the time, you will come back to your business life “FIRED UP”! But, when you return, it takes more than just fire to make an impact on your sales or […]

Love One Another

by Mike Phillips

Seems simple enough, yet sometimes so difficult. Just to show our unconditional love; for another person. The reality is that love for others should come before love of self, but it generally doesn’t. Just really focus on the other person… Put their desires and their needs before what it is that you want. You may […]

Passion, Persistence, Perseverance (The FRONT #42)

by Mike Phillips

I love fire, passion. I admire persistence. And I respect perseverance. There are so many amazing parallels in athletics, especially football, to business. For example, the work ethic involved. The overwhelming emotion and the continued pursuit of success and winning. You’ll have to tune into the video or podcast for the full narrative today! But, […]

Mediocrity Has No Place In Business

by Mike Phillips

There is not a spot for “average” in the current work climate. There just isn’t. In my opinion, in business, especially now, more than ever before in history. You should not be accepting of mediocre (average) performance. There is too much at stake. There is too much social connection and transparency for you to continue […]