Posts tagged with ‘Leadership’

241250 of 341 items

Well Done vs Well Said (The FRONT #31)

by Mike Phillips

“Well done is better than well said.” ~ Benjamin Franklin It’s very difficult to have the wherewithal to both DO great things and TALK ABOUT DOING GREAT THINGS at the same time. So if you have to do just one, which is better? I personally believe it is better to take action, to do. Talking about […]

7 Success Facts (The FRONT #30)

by Mike Phillips

Here are 7 success facts that you should know! (Or at least that I would like to share with you!) These are business principles that I have learned throughout my time in business, as a youth sports coach, and in leadership. So tune in and check them out! 7 Success Facts Success will not depend on […]

International Podcast Day (The FRONT #29.5) *Bonus Episode*

by Mike Phillips

International Podcast Day™ is today, September 30th! This is an international celebration of podcasting power! Spread the word and tell, friends, family and all of your social connections! Please tune in and check it out, and make sure to share on your Facebook, Twitter and other networks. Use #InternationalPodcastDay as your hashtag! As always, thank […]

Relationships. They Take Action.

by Mike Phillips

Relationships, yes, they are hard. It takes action and work to make them awesome. Relationships are not about proximity. Though when you are physically near somebody, it often feels easier to get along, because you are around them more often. They are not about how close someone is to you, but how close you feel […]

Business Is About Results

by Mike Phillips

In business, success is measured by results, not effort. Regardless of the business that you are in, sales make businesses money. Success is measured in dollars and in the volume of sales. Of course, the business that you either own or work in you want to be enjoyable and to like the people you work […]

3 Things To Actively DO That Increase Influence (The FRONT #25)

by Mike Phillips

Leadership IS influence. If you engage actively in these three things, you can increase your influence and your leadership aptitude. Know yourself and your team. You must play to your strengths as well as your team’s strengths. Making sure to address and develop weak areas to minimize or eliminate shortcomings in a business environment. If […]

Communication Is About Reception

by Mike Phillips

The quality of communication is how it is received. Not on what you think you said or shared. When we communicate, everything is based on the perception of the receiver. You must be able to articulate your thoughts in a practical manner. When you do this, others can truly receive an understanding of what the content of […]

Sideline Leadership (The FRONT#24)

by Mike Phillips

Leaders are always watched. Even when they are not on the field! I love football as an analogy for business. ANy sports really share so many similarities in leadership and the business world. Leadership is an all the time thing. Many newer managers want to grandstand and show what they can accomplish while they are […]

Tell And Show! (The FRONT #23)

by Mike Phillips

In training, you should TELL  and SHOW your staff to get the best out of them! Training and teaching are all about being in the front! We likely all remember the weekly “show and tell” when we were in school. Well, in leadership and management it’s the inverse. You must TELL and SHOW your people […]

Complacency kills!

by Mike Phillips

When you become complacent, you and your business begin dying. So don’t! You must stay competitive and stay on the move. Restlessness and competitiveness in business are positive things. They get you to the next checkpoint or the next level. When you are competitive you always strive to be better than you are right now. […]