Posts tagged with ‘Leadership’

261270 of 341 items

Leadership Accountability (The FRONT #14)

by Mike Phillips

Leadership Accountability – GET SOME! The definition of accountability is the state of being accountable or an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility. Is this you? Are you completing tasks with the same diligence that you assign to your staff? Are you performing the duties necessary to lead and get out in front? Do you […]

The Leadership Ripple Effect (The FRONT #13)

by Mike Phillips

The Leadership Ripple Effect is just like throwing a stone into a pond. Whether you are positive or negative, the leadership ripple hits the shore. It produces a powerful force and distributes either the positivity or negativity along the shore. You must understand that as a leader, mentor, and manager, your attitude, energy, and emotions […]

Consistency to Success (The FRONT #11)

by Mike Phillips

Consistency is one of the keys to success!! We have all heard “success leaves clues.” The biggest key to success, in my opinion, is consistency. So tonight I am spending a bit of time discussing a few key ways to stay consistent and accomplish more of your tasks! [embedyt][/embedyt] Make a conscious decision to […]

Philadelphia and IS20G Recap (The Front #10)

by Mike Phillips

This is my recap last week from Philadelphia and The Internet Sales 20 Group Recap (#IS20G) This week I recap my trip to Philadelphia, PA for the Internet Sales 20 Group. This conference (or event) is hosted by Sean V. and Karen Bradley’s company Dealer Synergy. It was an excellent event. Hosted by great people. […]

Power In The Process (The FRONT #9)

by Mike Phillips

The process is the power, and there is power in the process of anything! I start off by discussing the sales process for handling a customer in person. Then  I chat for a few minutes about the phone and BDC process that we use to walk a customer through setting an appointment. [embedyt][/embedyt] Keep […]

It’s The Off Hours That Make The Difference

by Mike Phillips

Yes, that’s right – it’s the off hours. The late nights, the early mornings. The extra credit that you get no extra recognition from, that is the work that makes the difference. My Facebook, recent Google searches, Instagram photos, Twitter feed… they are all flooded with hundreds, if not thousands of entrepreneurs. They all offer […]

Make IMPACT today!

by Mike Phillips

Make IMPACT on others, lead them today! My ride to work today. A bit of Saturday inspiration hit me. So I figured I would share it. This is all about LEADERSHIP. If you are a manager, keep doing the things that got you into management in the first place. So often, once people get the promotion, […]

My brain is expired but I’m inspired.

by Mike Phillips

Here is just a little chat on my ride home tonight. I spent the past week in Philadelphia at the Internet Sales 20 Group. It was really a great conference. So tonight, I am just spending time talking about my inspiration, fire, and the recent trip to Philly. [embedyt][/embedyt] I’m glad that I had a busy, but […]

When The Door Opens (The FRONT #7)

by Mike Phillips

When the door opens… sometimes you have to step into the black hole, the void. You must have the courage to walk by faith, and not by sight. When you make the choice to go through the doorway, it always has two outcomes. Sometimes you just have to make the decision to leap! Please watch the […]

It’s about the response

by Mike Phillips

Staying positive is all about your response. In fact, most of life is all about how you choose to respond. A choice is a very powerful thing. The power to choose when making decisions always creates an outcome. Even if it isn’t the outcome you wanted or expected. It’s an outcome. In your responses and […]