Posts tagged with ‘Motivation’

191200 of 265 items

Taking Charge & Participating In Your Own Rescue (The FRONT #16)

by Mike Phillips

You must take charge. You must participate in your own rescue. Grab the life preserver. Today I am talking about taking charge and being an active participant in your own rescue. Taking charge has so many meanings. Taking charge of your health, of your life, of your family, and of yourself. There are a whole […]

Who was your most important connection today?

by Mike Phillips

Do you know the most important connection you made today? Odds are, with our highly digital and “connected” world, you don’t. I for one, when I got into the social media realm measured my success like so many others in clicks. How many likes, how many friends, or connections, how many reshares. Problem is that doesn’t […]

Eliminating Animosity and Drama in the Workplace (The FRONT #15)

by Mike Phillips

No one likes drama. Especially at work! Eliminating Animosity and Drama in Your Workplace As a leader, you cannot accept the drama, gossip, and animosity that sometimes brews in a place of business. It’s inevitable, no matter how much you would like everything in harmony. Drama happens. People may talk behind others backs (gossip), judge […]

Working On My One Word

by Mike Phillips

To find ONE WORD is likely to be the toughest, easy thing I’ve done. I have been reading or listening to rather (on Audible) Evan Carmichael’s book “Your One Word” and it is awesome! Evan is clear on his one-word #BELIEVE. Let me start off by saying that if you haven’t heard of Evan Carmichael, […]

Just Go After It! 15 Minutes!

by Mike Phillips

That’s it! Go after your dream right now!  It just takes 10 or 15 minutes each day to start. But, it has to be consistent. For the dream to blossom and take hold you have to start, it has to be consistent, and it only takes a few minutes each day. So, if you have that […]

The Leadership Ripple Effect (The FRONT #13)

by Mike Phillips

The Leadership Ripple Effect is just like throwing a stone into a pond. Whether you are positive or negative, the leadership ripple hits the shore. It produces a powerful force and distributes either the positivity or negativity along the shore. You must understand that as a leader, mentor, and manager, your attitude, energy, and emotions […]

Philadelphia and IS20G Recap (The Front #10)

by Mike Phillips

This is my recap last week from Philadelphia and The Internet Sales 20 Group Recap (#IS20G) This week I recap my trip to Philadelphia, PA for the Internet Sales 20 Group. This conference (or event) is hosted by Sean V. and Karen Bradley’s company Dealer Synergy. It was an excellent event. Hosted by great people. […]

It’s The Off Hours That Make The Difference

by Mike Phillips

Yes, that’s right – it’s the off hours. The late nights, the early mornings. The extra credit that you get no extra recognition from, that is the work that makes the difference. My Facebook, recent Google searches, Instagram photos, Twitter feed… they are all flooded with hundreds, if not thousands of entrepreneurs. They all offer […]

Notes On Success (The FRONT #8)

by Mike Phillips

Here are several things I think make people successful! [embedyt][/embedyt] Successful people have fun! Laugh, enjoy life! Gain other peoples’ respect. Be positive, show your character and be awesome! Keep in mind, respect is earned, not given. Gain the appreciation of others. Invest your time and energy in other people and they will do […]

Make IMPACT today!

by Mike Phillips

Make IMPACT on others, lead them today! My ride to work today. A bit of Saturday inspiration hit me. So I figured I would share it. This is all about LEADERSHIP. If you are a manager, keep doing the things that got you into management in the first place. So often, once people get the promotion, […]