Posts tagged with ‘Podcast’

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⚡ Where Focus Goes… ⚡ (The FRONT #66)

by Mike Phillips

Whatever you focus on you get more of. (Check out my previous blog on this subject) Clarity and focus are two of the top attributes in achieving high levels of success and blowing away goals boundaries set by yourself or society. Clarity is a sharpness, certainty, being definite. Focus is the center of an activity. Having […]

❤️ Love And Leadership (The FRONT #65)

by Mike Phillips

Love and leadership go hand in hand. Yes… like they hold hands. LOL! Love is in the air. It’s Valentine’s month! And this is my first podcast of February so let’s talk about love and leadership, or maybe love in leadership. You have to truly love and respect others to really lead them. When you […]

🔥 Working Through Burn Out 🔥 (The FRONT #64)

by Mike Phillips

I have had several salespeople lately refer to “burn out.” So I thought I would put my spin on how to work through it. What determines if you are burned out? By definition, burn out is physical or mental collapse caused by overwork or stress. (Unless you are Mike Davenport – here – LOL) Overwork […]

Stay Positive! Some Ways To Do It! (The FRONT #63)

by Mike Phillips

First, let’s talk about WHY to stay positive. When you are happy, upbeat and positive. It promotes self-confidence. It improves creative and cognitive thinking. It improves emotional state for things like happiness, joy, and love. And, when we are in a good emotional state, people will normally produce a higher number of actions… in general. […]

When Seeking Out Expert Advice [Help] (The FRONT #62)

by Mike Phillips

When you are seeking out expert advice, or when asking for help – is today’s topic. Once you have made it into management or leadership, or maybe you are now considered an expert in a particular field. Sometimes it becomes difficult to ask for assistance, especially in the area you are supposed to be excellent at. […]

The Invest Episode (The FRONT #61)

by Mike Phillips

You MUST invest in important things! So let’s first talk about what investing means. INVEST – To expend money or resources with the expectation of achieving a profit, material result and/or increase in resources by putting it into financial options, shares, or property, or by using it to develop a venture. TIME is one of […]

Please Check Out THE FRONT Playlist!

by Mike Phillips

This week, instead of a new show… Please check out the entire FRONT playlist! In the words of my friend LeeLee Williams, Today, TODAY, today!!! Today, I am working on some extra setup and behind the scenes things that need to be done. It’s the little things that MUST be done, that often no one wants […]

Level Awareness (The FRONT #60)

by Mike Phillips

What is level awareness? As a leader, it is being competent in where your individual people and teams are at. As an individual, it is knowing yourself, knowing your ability and being confident to compete at that level. Competing at the highest level is not just about winning. It’s about preparation, courage, it’s the journey. You have to […]

Monitor and Measure When It’s Important (The FRONT #59)

by Mike Phillips

Monitor and measure all the time, yes, it’s always important. This episode is geared heavily toward the automotive space and third-party vendors. Performance measurement starts with the target and goal setting! Many people think that they should begin measuring once you have a set target. As a key leader, it is your job to begin […]

In Sales, Seeing Is Believing (The FRONT #58)

by Mike Phillips

Actually, In most anything, seeing is believing. Especially in leadership positions. The reason is because once someone can see something take place, or they see a goal get accomplished it starts to change how their perception is. Taking action is especially important for people in management and leadership roles. When those in leadership take action to show […]