Posts tagged with ‘resolution’

3 Items

Planning for what’s next | The FRONT

by Mike Phillips

What are you planning? Planning for what’s next … 2019! Everyone gets excited for the New Year and with it right around the corner, we start making plans and have ideas for what we want to do or be or achieve. I’m going to ask today what is your plan? Goals have to be definitive […]

How Did You Do?

by Mike Phillips

I titled today’s blog like I did, because I have this awesome physical trainer/weight trainer/aerobics instructor/ok… I’m not sure what his title really is. His name is Quentin at LifeTime in Colorado Springs, but he introduces these non-stop crazy routines into class workouts (Yes Quentin, it’s you… you’re welcome). And after he gives you 72 […]

Resolution or Revolution – Heck, just do it! 2017!

by Mike Phillips

Its that time of year again… NEW YEARS DAY! Whoopee! It’s the time that (most) everyone decides to make their yearly commitments and resolutions to do better…  workout more, work harder, be more awesome, be a better husband, father or family member, and so on. I have a question for you on  this New Years […]