Posts tagged with ‘Sales Training’

111120 of 172 items

7 Minutes On Car Business Stuff

by Mike Phillips

7 minutes on Car Business Stuff #TodaysThoughts Today I’m spending 7 minutes (or more) talking about the car business. Recently, I was engaged with a video and conversation with an individual that had an opposition to the automotive industry. Today, I offered my response in a Facebook Live video. Often, there are so many negative posts, […]

Your First 30 (The FRONT #2)

by Mike Phillips

YOUR FIRST 30 (Meaning the first 30 minutes of your day) Today I’m talking about what I do in the first 30 minutes of my day. I’m giving advice on what you can do in the first 30 minutes of your day to be positive, have more energy and get fired up! [embedyt][/embedyt] SO… […]

Three Hard Fast Rules On Leadership (The FRONT #1)

by Mike Phillips

Three Hard Fast Rules On Leadership. When it comes to leadership, there are fundamentals. I jump right into it in the video below. [embedyt][/embedyt] Here are three key (and fundamental in my opinion) rules on leadership. Know the job and content better than the people doing the task for you. AND – you have […]

The hardest part of video recording and streaming – “THE VIDEO”

by Mike Phillips

Yes, in fact the hardest part of video recording and streaming is “THE VIDEO” That may seem silly at first. But, I am a bit of a perfectionist. I want the video clean,  the sound crisp. When I am getting going on my current or up and coming projects. I want them to be right […]

Video and Audio Setup Test on Facebook Live (6-19-2017)

by Mike Phillips

Video and Audio Test [embedyt][/embedyt] Testing… 1… 2… Testing… 1… 2… 3… This is just a setup to test the Facebook Live recording. I am checking out both video and audio quality and making sure that I can pull the files then upload them to other venues easily. Of course, my kids wanted to […]

How much can you handle?

by Mike Phillips

How do you handle the hand-offs and multi-tasking in your every day environment? In the Olympics, the team that wins at any relay is not always the fastest — it’s the team that handles the hand-offs and changeovers between teammates the most effectively.   The same thing is true of your job. The tasks could […]

There is not a replacement for genuine caring (YouTube 2017)

by Mike Phillips

There is not a replacement for genuine caring  [embedyt][/embedyt] In the video,  Tonight in the  video I am going to discuss how there is no replacement for genuine caring. You actually need to care about other people. We are often so focused on ourselves. There is so much coming at us as individuals in […]

TECOBI Sales Pitch on Facebook Live by Mike Phillips

by Mike Phillips

TECOBI Sales Pitch on Facebook Live [embedyt][/embedyt] Here is my two minute sales pitch on TECOBI. What is TECOBI? It is a badass social media, text marketing company based in Castle Rock Colorado. The team of TECOBI texting ninjas quickly and efficiently communicates with customers. This happens when a customer clicks an ad through […]

Facebook Live Interview by Jared McReavy with Mike Phillips (A Place To Remember.Life)

by Mike Phillips

Another Facebook Live Video Interview by Jared McReavy with Mike Phillips (A Place To Remember.Life) Jared McReavy is an automotive sales professional. He has spent years on the retail side of automotive and now is on the vendor side. Jared spends time interviewing me on some questions about life, growth, and my advice. Jared is […]

Facebook Live Challenge – Day 27 – Power and Mastery In Consistency

by Mike Phillips

Facebook Live Challenge – Day 27 – Power and Mastery In Consistency [embedyt][/embedyt] In people’s lives, especially in business the primary focus is on results. We focus on goals, daily weekly, monthly results, sometimes yearly results. Consistency plays a major role in an individual’s success. It also plays a major role in a team […]