Posts tagged with ‘Sales Training’

151160 of 172 items

The Power of Un-Choice

by Mike Phillips

We all know the power behind each choice that we make, whether for the long term or what we often think the smaller decisions that we make every day. Tonight I will spend time talking about what impact the of the un-choice… what impact do the choices we don’t make have and how does it […]

Three Rules For Great Managers

by Mike Phillips


by Mike Phillips

RETENTION IS KEY. Employee retention is a huge key for any successful business.  I’m not just talking about okay or average employee retention. Quality long term employee retention is a HUGE factor and is the real key.  One amazing fact is that while money is and will always be a factor in retaining employees, it […]

The Fear Factor – Define and Own It!

by Mike Phillips

This week I’ll spend some time defining fear. FEAR… What is it, how do we become fearful and most of all what are some ways (tools) to overcome fear in our lives. Know this, the moment you fear is coming, you will either hit the moment prepared, or the moment will hit you!

What color is the grass on your side?

by Mike Phillips

Tonight is for all the business and sales people out there. So often in business, especially in the retail sales industry we think things are so much better over here, or over there, or wherever. The saying actually goes, “The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.” YOU are the key […]

It’s not the destination, just a stop along the way!

by Mike Phillips

I am PUMPED this week!  Happy New Year everybody! “It’s not the destination, just a stop along the way!” was something we used to say all the time when we were out and about the town… probably a derivative of “It’s not the destination, it’s the journey,” with a twist! This week I’ll get into […]

Have a BIG 2011!

by Mike Phillips

I would like to take a moment to wish everyone a very special Happy New Year – 2011! A special thanks to my family and friends!  I’ll be back NEXT YEAR with more Blog Talk Radio episodes, more blogs right here, and more things to motivate, energize and inspire! Know this – it starts now, […]

Seeking the better solution

by Mike Phillips

A fired up half hour full of impact and tools for you to develop yourself and start seeking solutions rather than problems. We’ll talk about finding better solutions to various problems in your life by first problem finding, which a lot of people are really good at; and then problem definition or shaping. Let’s get […]

Performance trumps product – EVERY TIME!

by Mike Phillips

This week I’ll be speaking from the “guest studio” on why our performance and our attitude, trumps pure product – EVERY TIME! What I mean, in short, customer experience, the way we treat people. The way we respond and our overall performance will absolutely overcome the mechanics behind JUST our product and our pricing. I […]

Just BREAK it!

by Mike Phillips

This episode is designed after a sales training technique called… go figure, the BREAK Method. BREAK is not something you physically do, it is not physically painful and is non-labor intensive. It’s only an acronym for Bypass, Restate, Expand, Ask, Keep. Whether it is to further your sales, improve on a relationship or tweak your […]