Posts tagged with ‘Sales Training’

161170 of 172 items

Featured On

by Mike Phillips

What’s with the costume?

by Mike Phillips

The YES Factor

by Mike Phillips

100% Communication – Create Congruency

by Mike Phillips

This week I will discuss the communication model and how it breaks down, in percentages. By knowing the specific break down. This works great for sales professionals communicating with prospects and existing customers; it works well in our personal lives with friends, and more importantly our families.

Saluto, The Greeting – First 10 Seconds

by Mike Phillips

THE GREETING. Welcome to your first day as a professional sales consultant, I don’t mean like your first, first day… I mean your first real live day on your own.  You have the desk, some business cards, shirt and tie… check.  The business you work for has given you their “sales process” or “road to […]


by Mike Phillips

Follow up… up… up!

by Mike Phillips

While this may seem a little bit silly or archaic, I am a firm believer, that in a sales environment, YOU must be brilliant at the basics, I mean really, really, brilliant at the basics.  When I am saying that, one of the most basic and under-used skills of any sales consultant is the skill […]

The Buying Process

by Mike Phillips

Original Concept Copyright © August 2009 by Mike Phillips and Joe McCloskey Jr. This is a great set of “rules” to consider in conjunction with whatever your selling process may be, you need to understand that buyers have a set of questions that they ask themselves when making a purchase, a sort of “Buying Process” […]

Reasonable is the new unacceptable…

by Mike Phillips

So, I had an interesting thing happen to me the other day.  Note that I am in sales at an auto dealership.  I had a gentleman call me and request a price for a vehicle that we had on sale on eBay.  SURPRISE!!  That’s not the crazy part.  He called looking for a good deal […]

Overcoming Objections – Is that a NO… or a need to KNOW?

by Mike Phillips

For anyone in sales, any sort of sales, anywhere – you’ve encountered objections.  Anything from a small “no,” to the big, “I’m not buying your product,” every salesperson has had to work with prospect and customer objections.  So let’s talk today about how to isolate and overcome customer objections. First, we need to define an […]