Posts tagged with ‘Sales Training’

7180 of 172 items

Please Check Out THE FRONT Playlist!

by Mike Phillips

This week, instead of a new show… Please check out the entire FRONT playlist! In the words of my friend LeeLee Williams, Today, TODAY, today!!! Today, I am working on some extra setup and behind the scenes things that need to be done. It’s the little things that MUST be done, that often no one wants […]

Level Awareness (The FRONT #60)

by Mike Phillips

What is level awareness? As a leader, it is being competent in where your individual people and teams are at. As an individual, it is knowing yourself, knowing your ability and being confident to compete at that level. Competing at the highest level is not just about winning. It’s about preparation, courage, it’s the journey. You have to […]

Monitor and Measure When It’s Important (The FRONT #59)

by Mike Phillips

Monitor and measure all the time, yes, it’s always important. This episode is geared heavily toward the automotive space and third-party vendors. Performance measurement starts with the target and goal setting! Many people think that they should begin measuring once you have a set target. As a key leader, it is your job to begin […]

Conversation And Connection Are A Commodity (The FRONT #53)

by Mike Phillips

The art of conversation and connection with other people is valuable! I was in a training session yesterday talking about “the greeting” in a sales process. And during the conversation, it came around to a few topics. The topics of actual real connection with another human being. And the art of having a conversation. A […]

Success Is More Than One Size Fits All

by Mike Phillips

“One size fits all” is a description of a product that would fit in all instances.  In fact, one size fits all has been extended to mean one style or one procedure would fit or work in all related situations. This saying has been in use for decades. While it may work for hats, gloves, […]

What is THE FRONT? (The FRONT #50)

by Mike Phillips

Welcome… to THE FRONT #50! It really is crazy to me how quickly time flies. I’ve been producing new episodes of “The FRONT” for over six months now! I get several questions that pop through my inbox with things like, “Wow! I loved the last show, but what exactly do you cover in other episodes?” […]

Three Keys To Sales Success (The FRONT #48)

by Mike Phillips

These are my 3 keys to sales success! In the past week, I have been really living in my core. Sales and training. I have just been absorbed with training myself, re-training, getting involved with good books and videos. I really love these two things. They are deeply who I am. Sales has always been […]

Sales Call Reminders (The FRONT #47)

by Mike Phillips

These are simple, not necessarily easy, sales call reminders and training. First, let me give a shout out to Leona Willener who is here in Colorado Springs and posted on LinkedIn this morning about Time Zones and B2B salespeople. (Leona’s post is right here)This was what got my creative juices flowing today and made me […]

You Need the Line in the Sand… Sometimes.

by Mike Phillips

The line in the sand? It’s true. There is still a time and place for authoritarian leadership. We are in an age of democratic and collaborative, feel-good leadership. During this time, right now, in history, many leaders, speakers, and trainers are instructing company management and executive leadership that everyone needs to feel included and that all […]

Rockstar Auto Conference Vegas Recap (The FRONT #44)

by Mike Phillips

This is a video recap from my trip to Las Vegas and The Rockstar Automotive Conference (#RACV) This auto conference was really a fun and phenomenal event! It is hosted by Mat Koenig and Chris Speer – and WOW – did they put on a show! I hadn’t attended the Rockstar Conference prior, so I went […]