Posts tagged with ‘Video’

101110 of 230 items

Being Kind Matters | The FRONT

by Mike Phillips

Being kind to others matters. It is impactful in so many ways. Right now this is weighing on my mind to be kind to others based on an interaction I had just yesterday in our dealership. Let me share with you the story… (Watch the video to get the story and not just the notes!) […]

5 Success Tips | The FRONT

by Mike Phillips

These five tips can bring massive success! Here we go! These by no means are the ONLY tips to see success in life or in business. But these five are speaking to me right now. So I thought I would share! This may be a refresher for some and an epiphany to others. Consistency. Being […]

Three Things That Increase Influence (replay) | The FRONT

by Mike Phillips

Leaders are leaders because they have influence! This video was such a hit, so by request… here are three things you can do to increase influence. If you engage actively, and spend the time to really work on or learn these three things, you can increase your influence and your leadership aptitude. 1. Know yourself […]

Reminder: You Are Excellent! (The FRONT)

by Mike Phillips

That’s right! YOU… are excellent! Whatever day or time you are watching this video, I want to remind you that you are an amazing and unique being. You are excellent! In fact, stand up and tell yourself that… “I am EXCELLENT!” (You can yell it if you want to!) And for anyone that is listening, […]

How To Make Yourself Do It When You Don’t Want To (The FRONT #105)

by Mike Phillips

Do you have those days that you just don’t want to? When you want to push your projects and … well, anything else for that matter to the back burner. The days where you would rather eat cake and sit on a couch, maybe play video games, rather than make any strides towards great accomplishments? […]

Happy Father’s Day + 3 Things I’m Thankful For (The FRONT #103)

by Mike Phillips

Today, on this Father’s day episode of the FRONT… I just wanted to share the three things I am thankful for, my three kids: Colin, Carter, and Emersyn. And here are a few notes on what I am most proud of from each of them. Colin His character, he has a very strong moral compass, […]

You Must Be Open-Minded To Grow The Most (The FRONT #101)

by Mike Phillips

If you want to have the most growth. You must have an open mind. I often think about what are our biggest opportunities to learn, and to grow, and to be further forward tomorrow than where we are at today. I think one of the most important traits that allows for efficient growth and human […]

Live Leadership Lessons from The FRONT (The FRONT #100)

by Mike Phillips

Here we go… in the beginning… – “Live Leadership Lessons from The FRONT“ Today on the FRONT I am talking about my upcoming series. So a few things – Beginning next week – the Wednesday shows will be live on Facebook and will be interview style shows that run from 15-30 minutes (I am starting […]

Love The Purpose More Than The Process (The FRONT #99)

by Mike Phillips

RECORDED ON YOUTUBE LIVE! You MUST love the purpose more than the process! I was training with some people this past week and this just came out. “Love the purpose more than the process.” ~Mike Phillips Purpose is the WHY is something getting done. It’s the reason. Process is HOW. It’s the actual actions and […]

Willingness (The FRONT #98)

by Mike Phillips

There is something special about willingness. This is straight up having the will, preparedness, desire, and the want to do something. When you type the word willingness into Google, It’s just a bunch of definitions. There aren’t a plethora of articles, or blogs, or people talking about what it is to be willing… to do […]