Posts tagged with ‘Video’

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by Mike Phillips

Today, on The FRONT the theme is about winning. Not just winning in a competition or competitive environment such as athletics, but winning in business. Winning in business unlike winning in a competition such as sports, or board games, or arm wrestling is not by pushing past an opponent. One vast difference – in a […]

Are You On Autopilot? (The FRONT #69) – LIVE!

by Mike Phillips

Well… are you on autopilot? I’ve talked before about how it is important to have a plan, and have a process to go with that plan. Routine, in general, is good for many reasons. When we get accustomed to doing same or similar things, it takes the guesswork out of things. When there is less […]

Happy Valentine’s Day 2018 (The FRONT #68) – LIVE!

by Mike Phillips

Happy Valentine’s Day 2018! Today, I decided to do a Facebook Live! For episode #68. To tell my wife and my family – THANK YOU! So often, as managers or leaders, we get tied up. We get busy. We forget to just say, “thank you,” to those that are continually supporting us throughout our crazy […]

Some Leadership Notes (The FRONT #67)

by Mike Phillips

Today, I just compiled some of my thoughts on paper and put together five leadership notes. Many people think they are leaders. Some are correct… and frankly, some are not. Sometimes people are just wrong in their assessment. Right now, in 2018, anyone with some social accounts and money to spend on ads can stake […]

Refresh Friday from Feb 9th, 2018 | Dealer Refresh Panel | News From The Forums

by Mike Phillips

Today was a great conversation about all things automotive on Refresh Friday! I was fortunate to be invited on to an amazing automotive forum show this week. It’s Refresh Friday, hosted by the guys from Dealer Refresh, Jeff Kershner and Alex Snyder. Myself and Bob George from were the featured guests. The topics ranged from […]

Tax Time & How’s Your Downstroke? | Auto Dealer Live Episode #310

by Mike Phillips

It’s tax refund time, we are talking about down payments and “How’s Your Downstroke?” I was honored and humbled to sit down and participate in episode #310 of Auto Dealer Live this week. This week on the show was David Villa, David Cribbs, Patrick Obrien, El Patronn, and myself. The topic for the show was tax time and […]

⚡ Where Focus Goes… ⚡ (The FRONT #66)

by Mike Phillips

Whatever you focus on you get more of. (Check out my previous blog on this subject) Clarity and focus are two of the top attributes in achieving high levels of success and blowing away goals boundaries set by yourself or society. Clarity is a sharpness, certainty, being definite. Focus is the center of an activity. Having […]

❤️ Love And Leadership (The FRONT #65)

by Mike Phillips

Love and leadership go hand in hand. Yes… like they hold hands. LOL! Love is in the air. It’s Valentine’s month! And this is my first podcast of February so let’s talk about love and leadership, or maybe love in leadership. You have to truly love and respect others to really lead them. When you […]

Facebook Sales, It’s A Hot Topic Right Now!

by Mike Phillips

But, really…Can You Sell Cars on Facebook? I sat down on CBT News with Cory Mosley, CSP on his show, Progressive Retail, and we had the discussion on selling cars on social media. Facebook Specifically. Cory asked this question of me and we had a really good conversation. So please, sit back and tune in for […]

🔥 Working Through Burn Out 🔥 (The FRONT #64)

by Mike Phillips

I have had several salespeople lately refer to “burn out.” So I thought I would put my spin on how to work through it. What determines if you are burned out? By definition, burn out is physical or mental collapse caused by overwork or stress. (Unless you are Mike Davenport – here – LOL) Overwork […]