Posts tagged with ‘Video’

181190 of 230 items

Follow Up And Follow Through In Sales (The FRONT #19)

by Mike Phillips

Follow through and follow up (with customers) seems to be, to many people, a lost art. I used to think that lack of follow up, or a follow up “problem” was exclusive to salespeople, in the traditional sense. I have had several experiences with many businesses lately where there is no follow through. Meaning someone at the business tells […]

The Coach Isn’t In The Huddle (The FRONT #18)

by Mike Phillips

It’s true. An excellent coach isn’t in the huddle. They let their players play! When it comes game time. You must trust your people to execute. The coach is not on the field with the players, so let the leaders lead in the moment. And, vice-versa, as a top performer, you know what to do… […]

Leadership and Motivation in 9 Minutes (The FRONT #17)

by Mike Phillips

It’s all about the leadership, positivity, and motivation! As you know that is the focus of my twice weekly podcast and blog. So today, I am just throwing out a pure 9 minutes of those things that are important to me. Energy, Enthusiasm, Excitement, Motivation and Positive Attitudes! I love this stuff, it fires me […]

It’s Just Fun – Night At The Park

by Mike Phillips

Taking Charge & Participating In Your Own Rescue (The FRONT #16)

by Mike Phillips

You must take charge. You must participate in your own rescue. Grab the life preserver. Today I am talking about taking charge and being an active participant in your own rescue. Taking charge has so many meanings. Taking charge of your health, of your life, of your family, and of yourself. There are a whole […]

Eliminating Animosity and Drama in the Workplace (The FRONT #15)

by Mike Phillips

No one likes drama. Especially at work! Eliminating Animosity and Drama in Your Workplace As a leader, you cannot accept the drama, gossip, and animosity that sometimes brews in a place of business. It’s inevitable, no matter how much you would like everything in harmony. Drama happens. People may talk behind others backs (gossip), judge […]

Leadership Accountability (The FRONT #14)

by Mike Phillips

Leadership Accountability – GET SOME! The definition of accountability is the state of being accountable or an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility. Is this you? Are you completing tasks with the same diligence that you assign to your staff? Are you performing the duties necessary to lead and get out in front? Do you […]

The Leadership Ripple Effect (The FRONT #13)

by Mike Phillips

The Leadership Ripple Effect is just like throwing a stone into a pond. Whether you are positive or negative, the leadership ripple hits the shore. It produces a powerful force and distributes either the positivity or negativity along the shore. You must understand that as a leader, mentor, and manager, your attitude, energy, and emotions […]

Consistency to Success (The FRONT #11)

by Mike Phillips

Consistency is one of the keys to success!! We have all heard “success leaves clues.” The biggest key to success, in my opinion, is consistency. So tonight I am spending a bit of time discussing a few key ways to stay consistent and accomplish more of your tasks! [embedyt][/embedyt] Make a conscious decision to […]

Philadelphia and IS20G Recap (The Front #10)

by Mike Phillips

This is my recap last week from Philadelphia and The Internet Sales 20 Group Recap (#IS20G) This week I recap my trip to Philadelphia, PA for the Internet Sales 20 Group. This conference (or event) is hosted by Sean V. and Karen Bradley’s company Dealer Synergy. It was an excellent event. Hosted by great people. […]