Posts tagged with ‘Video’

191200 of 230 items

Power In The Process (The FRONT #9)

by Mike Phillips

The process is the power, and there is power in the process of anything! I start off by discussing the sales process for handling a customer in person. Then  I chat for a few minutes about the phone and BDC process that we use to walk a customer through setting an appointment. [embedyt][/embedyt] Keep […]

My brain is expired but I’m inspired.

by Mike Phillips

Here is just a little chat on my ride home tonight. I spent the past week in Philadelphia at the Internet Sales 20 Group. It was really a great conference. So tonight, I am just spending time talking about my inspiration, fire, and the recent trip to Philly. [embedyt][/embedyt] I’m glad that I had a busy, but […]

When The Door Opens (The FRONT #7)

by Mike Phillips

When the door opens… sometimes you have to step into the black hole, the void. You must have the courage to walk by faith, and not by sight. When you make the choice to go through the doorway, it always has two outcomes. Sometimes you just have to make the decision to leap! Please watch the […]

Made it to Cheesesteak in Philly!

by Mike Phillips

It has been a lengthy 2 days at the Internet Sales 20 Group here in Philly! Yes, for 4 days I am in Philadelphia, PA for a great learning workshop the #IS20G. WOW! What a ton of information I have received (but, I’ll recap that later). I have ONE thing to do while I’m here… for […]

Eliminate “The Scaries” & Sales Fear (The FRONT #6)

by Mike Phillips

Eliminate “the scaries” & sales fear This is a few tips on how to eliminate the fear during the sale. The two primary fears: Fear of rejection or fear of failure. When these two fears set in, then often salespeople will avoid the customer. And we want to avoid that feeling and make sure to get […]

Just Go.

by Mike Phillips

Happy 4th of July 2017!

by Mike Phillips

You Don’t Have To Be First (The FRONT #4)

by Mike Phillips

You don’t have to be first… but you do have to be good (or AWESOME!) While you don’t necessarily have to be the first person to do something in business. You don’t even have to execute on a particular idea, product or endorsement before anyone else. You do have to be good at the product, […]

Never Give Up (The FRONT #3)

by Mike Phillips

Never Give Up! You can do it! My inspiration today is brought to you by our kickboxing coach. Mr. Russ (Ruselis). He is out of this world and inspires many people everyday with his smile and upbeat attitude. When inspiration hits (like it did me this morning in class…) you have to take it and […]

7 Minutes On Car Business Stuff

by Mike Phillips

7 minutes on Car Business Stuff #TodaysThoughts Today I’m spending 7 minutes (or more) talking about the car business. Recently, I was engaged with a video and conversation with an individual that had an opposition to the automotive industry. Today, I offered my response in a Facebook Live video. Often, there are so many negative posts, […]