Being kind to others matters. It is impactful in so many ways.

Right now this is weighing on my mind to be kind to others based on an interaction I had just yesterday in our dealership. Let me share with you the story… (Watch the video to get the story and not just the notes!)

So here are a few notes and lessons I’ve learned about kindness over the years:

  • Everyone is affected by an act of kindness. Kindness is contagious and you never know just how big of an impact a small gesture of kindness can have.
  • Kindness improves our quality of life. It brings people together.
  • Being nice actually impacts our psyche and the way we look at ourselves. Doing something good for someone else makes us feel good without any expectation of return.
  • Spreading joy is an act of kindness. So smile at strangers, and laugh with other people!

Here are some notes and things you can do to spread kindness as a leader in your workplace:

  • Lead by example. Others will emulate you. If you are kind, and you say please, and thank you, your people will too.
  • Be kind to others. At work, you are all working for a common goal. Remind yourself of that before you remind others of it.
  • If you can’t say something nice… you know the saying, so let’s keep it positive. Build people up, don’t tear them down.
  • Recognize one another’s strengths. A pat on the back can go a long way. And as a leader, one thing I have seen over and over again – is that people will fulfill what you tell them they are. So if you tell them they are great – in most cases, they will live up to your expectations and be great!

So, take a breath, share a smile, and tell someone they are awesome today! Be kind!

Talk to you soon!

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