In this episode, we have a captivating discussion on two critical pillars of leadership: building workplace trust and performance management. Trust in our place of work is so important to the continued long-term success of any organization. Joining me is the esteemed Ian MacLeod, a renowned expert in leadership development and organizational psychology.

In leadership and management, trust is the foundation that successful organizations are built on. It’s important to learn that fostering a culture of trust among team members and leaders can lead to increased collaboration, enhanced productivity, and ultimately, long-term success.

What is the foundation to build on?

  1. Clear communication is paramount. Openly sharing information about company goals, strategies, and decisions ensures transparency and helps employees feel valued and involved.
  2. Lead by example. Managers and leaders who exhibit honesty, reliability, and consistency set the tone for trustworthy behavior.
  3. Provide opportunities for collaboration. When employees feel they can rely on each other, trust naturally grows
  4. Offer opportunities for development. When growth is supported, it enhances people’s commitment to the organization and grows trust.
  5. Respect for work-life balance. Respecting personal time underscores a company’s concern for the well-being of its employees.

Throughout the episode (below), we delve into real-world examples, case studies, and many actionable tips that you can implement right away. One of my personal favorite discussion points is that of “the marshmallow test” from the 1970’s, that, while looking at trust principles in children can correlate directly to business trust, ethics, and performance. The test was updated and performed again by adding additional variables. (More about the marshmallow test and other resources here –

Remember that building workplace trust takes time, but the foundation it creates can lead to increased engagement, innovation, and overall success. Check out this full episode on building workplace trust on “The Leadership Toolkit” podcast.

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