In the sphere of leadership and business, influence is often the silent force that shapes outcomes, crafts cultures, and propels individuals and organizations toward success. A recent episode of the Leadership Toolkit podcast hosted by Mike Phillips featured a riveting conversation with Bill Schomburg, a seasoned leader in the automotive space. Their discussion peeled back the layers of influence, empathy, and the transformative power of positive leadership.

The Essence of Influence in Leadership

Bill Schomburg’s narrative is a testament to the depth and breadth of influence. His journey through various careers taught him that leadership transcends industry boundaries. He shared, “You’re being talked about in rooms you know nothing about,” highlighting how our actions and words ripple through the lives of others, often without our knowledge.

Transformative Leadership Through Empathy

Empathy emerged as a core theme throughout the conversation. The ability to deeply understand and connect with others is crucial for effective leadership. Schomburg stressed that without a foundation of care, leadership is devoid of its true purpose, which is to shepherd, not merely to direct. He recalled an experience where a lack of empathy led to a regrettable outburst, one that reshaped his approach to leadership and personal growth.

Conflict as a Catalyst for Growth

“Healthy tension” is how Schomburg described the necessary conflict in any dynamic team environment. Instead of shying away from conflict, he encourages embracing it as an opportunity for growth and understanding. Asking “Why do you feel that way?” can open doors to deeper insights and foster a culture of transparency and trust.

Practical Steps to Empower and Influence Positively

Bill Schomburg offered practical advice for leaders seeking to cultivate a positive influence:

  1. Get Connected: Engage in one-to-one meetings with your team, encouraging open dialogue and the sharing of personal challenges.
  2. Develop Empathy: Show genuine care and interest in the well-being of your team members, both professionally and personally.
  3. Embrace Healthy Conflict: Use conflict as a chance to understand different perspectives, asking probing questions to reveal underlying motivations.

The Takeaway: Leading with Character and Influence

The podcast episode concluded with a powerful reflection on character development in leadership. Schomburg’s parting words remind us that our legacy as leaders is not built on triumphs alone but on how we learn from our missteps and how we choose to impact others with our influence.

Key Takeaways

  1. Influence is Everywhere: Recognize that your influence extends beyond direct interactions and can shape the culture of an organization.
  2. Empathy Drives Connection: Prioritize understanding the people you lead to foster meaningful connections and loyalty.
  3. Healthy Tension is Necessary: Don’t fear conflict; instead, use it as a tool for team development and problem-solving.
  4. Character Over Comfort: Embrace situations that challenge your character, as they are opportunities for significant personal and professional growth.
  5. Be a Lifelong Learner: Continuously seek to learn from your experiences and those of others to refine your leadership approach.

Your Leadership Journey Awaits

Inspired by the insights from Mike Phillips and Bill Schomburg? Begin your own journey of influence and positive leadership. Reflect on the key takeaways, consider how you can implement these lessons in your daily interactions, and never underestimate the impact of genuine empathy and healthy conflict in shaping your leadership style. Subscribe to the Leadership Toolkit podcast for more wisdom from seasoned leaders, and take the first step towards becoming a transformative influence in your industry today.

Unlocking the Power of Influence: Insights from Leadership Toolkit with Mike Phillips and Bill Schomburg

In the sphere of leadership and business, influence is often the silent force that shapes outcomes, crafts cultures, and propels individuals and organizations towards success. A recent episode of the Leadership Toolkit podcast hosted by Mike Phillips featured a riveting conversation with Bill Schomburg, a seasoned leader in the automotive space. Their discussion peeled back the layers on influence, empathy, and the transformative power of positive leadership.

The Essence of Influence in Leadership

Bill Schomburg’s narrative is a testament to the depth and breadth of influence. His journey through various careers taught him that leadership transcends industry boundaries. He shared, “You’re being talked about in rooms you know nothing about,” highlighting how our actions and words ripple through the lives of others, often without our knowledge.

Transformative Leadership Through Empathy

Empathy emerged as a core theme throughout the conversation. The ability to deeply understand and connect with others is crucial for effective leadership. Schomburg stressed that without a foundation of care, leadership is devoid of its true purpose, which is to shepherd, not merely to direct. He recalled an experience where a lack of empathy led to a regrettable outburst, one that reshaped his approach to leadership and personal growth.

Conflict as a Catalyst for Growth

“Healthy tension” is how Schomburg described the necessary conflict in any dynamic team environment. Instead of shying away from conflict, he encourages embracing it as an opportunity for growth and understanding. Asking “Why do you feel that way?” can open doors to deeper insights and foster a culture of transparency and trust.

Practical Steps to Empower and Influence Positively

Bill Schomburg offered practical advice for leaders seeking to cultivate a positive influence:

  1. Get Connected: Engage in one-to-one meetings with your team, encouraging open dialogue and the sharing of personal challenges.
  2. Develop Empathy: Show genuine care and interest in the well-being of your team members, both professionally and personally.
  3. Embrace Healthy Conflict: Use conflict as a chance to understand different perspectives, asking probing questions to reveal underlying motivations.

The Takeaway: Leading with Character and Influence

The podcast episode concluded with a powerful reflection on character development in leadership. Schomburg’s parting words remind us that our legacy as leaders is not built on triumphs alone but on how we learn from our missteps and how we choose to impact others with our influence.

Key Takeaways

  1. Influence is Everywhere: Recognize that your influence extends beyond direct interactions and can shape the culture of an organization.
  2. Empathy Drives Connection: Prioritize understanding the people you lead to foster meaningful connections and loyalty.
  3. Healthy Tension is Necessary: Don’t fear conflict; instead, use it as a tool for team development and problem-solving.
  4. Character Over Comfort: Embrace situations that challenge your character, as they are opportunities for significant personal and professional growth.
  5. Be a Lifelong Learner: Continuously seek to learn from your experiences and those of others to refine your leadership approach.

Your Leadership Journey Awaits

Inspired by the insights from Mike Phillips and Bill Schomburg? Begin your own journey of influence and positive leadership. Reflect on the key takeaways, consider how you can implement these lessons in your daily interactions, and never underestimate the impact of genuine empathy and healthy conflict in shaping your leadership style. Subscribe to the Leadership Toolkit podcast for more wisdom from seasoned leaders, and take the first step towards becoming a transformative influence in your industry today.


Check out the full episode of The Leadership Toolkit podcast with Bill Schomburg on my YouTube Channel. Or you can simply click to watch below.

Check out past episodes of The Leadership Toolkit on YouTube or your favorite podcast platform!

Our host, Mike Phillips is a seasoned leadership expert with a knack for extracting the most valuable insights from his guests. His passion for helping individuals reach their leadership potential shines through in every episode. Thank you for reading and watching. Please share this with someone who needs this message today!

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