Ready to steer your leadership or entrepreneurial journey in an inspiring new direction? The answer might just be an arm’s reach away—contained within the pages of a book. Yes, YOUR book. Podcast hosts and guests often stir our minds toward unprecedented truths about entrepreneurship, leadership, and the relentless pursuit of growth. I recently tuned into a riveting discussion that changed my perspective entirely on how books—yes, the traditional printed companion—are instrumental in carving out successful leadership paths in this digital age.

From Accidental Entrepreneurs to Publish Or Perish

The story of Everett O’Keefe’s multifaceted career, from a vocational rehab counselor induced into entrepreneurship by accident to an international bestselling author, encapsulates the very essence of leadership evolution. Like many visionaries, Everett didn’t initially set out with an entrepreneur badge. It was his jumping-off point that led him to phenomenal successes, however imperfect the start.

I could do this better if I were doing it for myself” – This mindset shifts from being an inflection point to a chain reaction, fueling perseverance in reframing one’s scope and scale of influence.

The conversation between Mike and Everett sheds brilliant light on using publishing as a tool not just for authorship but for leadership empowerment and broader impact.

The Catalyst to Ignition: Your First Book

Everett’s encouragement to take imperfect action and execute draws a vivid line between kitty-corner ambitions and stratospheric achievements. The analogy – you’re not buying the perspiration behind each written word, you’re investing in the transformation those words bring.

Imagine your hand clutching a cruddy little book that piques someone’s attention, not for the polish, but for the potential it unlocks for them. That crudeness didn’t stop Everett; what mattered was helm-a-foot forward towards crafting your narrative marble.

Diving into Everett’s expeditions into publishing and how it has anchored his successes allows us to extract pivotal realizations for aspiring leaders and entrepreneurial minds:

  • Execution over Perfection: The precision of action outweighs the shadows of inaction. Leadership or transformation projects dipped in hesitancy seldom sail as far as those navigating in imperfection.
  • Masterminding Growth: A reinforced emphasis on networking through mastermind groups as fueling stations for collective brilliance and individual growth, illuminating the essence of shared successes in leadership horizons.
  • Publish to Lead: The cannonball strategy – ready, fire, aim – particularly relevant for embarking on the publishing voyage. Books stand as enduring vessels of leadership, entrancing ticket holders years beyond their unveiling.

Serendipity in Creation: Fallon Love with Progress, not Perfection.

And there it was – our striking realization. Progress crafted from passion, knowledge shared through printed sentences, and leadership fueled by ready-to-drop wisdom. Perfecting the course is perpetual; initiating the voyage with your first utterance matters more. “Are you writing a book or the book?” sheds limelight on uncloaking actions concealed behind the pursuit of perfection.

Calls to Lead: Ignite Action, Now!

  • Dare to Begin: Pick up that pen or strike the keys away – start narrating your leadership journey or the spectrum of expertise you’ve mastered, one chapter at a time.
  • Invoke the Butterfly Effect: Resonate through your words; let them flutter far-reaching wings. Your book could metamorphose into someone’s career accelerator or life compass.
  • Board Masterminds; Cultivate Wisdom: Lean into gatherings reeking of foresight and wisdom. Your leadership treasure chest grows in depth with exchanged narratives, encountered perspectives, and the collective unwrapping of wisdom.

Encircling Our Guideposts

In the reflection of Everett’s narrative and decisions encapsulates an overpowering message for aspiring leaders and entrepreneurs: Your book, your narrative, can orchestrate influence, foster growth, and dispense leadership. Imperfection is but the golden lance piercing through the cloak of inaction, propelling us toward realms of untapped potential.

Connect with Everett and check out his website at

Check out this full episode of The Leadership Toolkit podcast with Everett O’Keefe on Spotify, my YouTube Channel, Or click to watch below.

Check out past episodes of The Leadership Toolkit on YouTube or your favorite podcast platform!

Our host, Mike Phillips is a seasoned leadership expert with a knack for extracting the most valuable insights from his guests. His passion for helping individuals reach their leadership potential shines through in every episode. Thank you for reading and watching. Please share this with someone who needs this message today!


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