In a recent episode of The Leadership Toolkit podcast, we were treated to a fascinating conversation with the dynamic Kimberly Spencer, a woman whose diverse career spans glitter water entrepreneurship at age five to becoming an Amazon bestselling author, TEDx speaker, and founder of During the discussion, Kimberly peeled back the layers on her multifaceted journey, shedding light on the paramount importance of clarity and effective communication in achieving entrepreneurial success.

Encapsulating Entrepreneurial Essence

Kimberly’s narrative is nothing short of inspiring. She embarked on her entrepreneurial journey selling glitter water, a simple yet innovative childhood venture. Fast forward to adulthood, and her achievements are vast, from screenwriting to high-performance coaching, all underlined by a deep understanding of the entrepreneurial psyche. Her story eloquently captures the essence of entrepreneurship – transformation through experimentation, resilience, and the unyielding pursuit of growth.

A Crystal Clear Vision

One of the pivotal moments in Spencer’s journey was realizing the power of clarity in business. During the conversation, she emphasizes, “Success loves speed, and you can’t have speed in your decision-making if you don’t have clarity on what decision is the best next right decision.” This candid admission opens up a vital conversation about the role of clarity in leadership and business success. How many of us truly possess clarity in our professional endeavors? It’s a compelling question that forces us to reevaluate our goals and strategies.

The Communicative Edge

Spencer’s story also training highlighted the indispensable role of communication, not just in her coaching practice but across all her business ventures. During her unplanned stay in Australia due to the COVID-19 pandemic, she leveraged guest podcasting to sustain and grow her business, illuminating the power of strategic visibility and articulate communication. It’s a testament to how adaptability, coupled with excellent communication skills, can pave the way for unforeseen opportunities and success.

Taking Ownership and Finding Clarity

Drawing from her personal and professional experiences, Kimberly shares profound insights on finding success through understanding oneself and one’s business charges at a deeper level – an idea that goes back to taking ownership and finding clarity. Drawing parallels between her initial struggle with identifying a clear direction for and the eventual success it found underlines an urgent truth in today’s fast-paced business environment. Success, as it turns out, is more about directional clarity and the ability to communicate one’s vision efficiently than the hustle and bustle that traditionally defines entrepreneurial efforts.

The Role of Clarity in Leadership

The conversation delves into the transformative power of clarity not only in entrepreneurship but also in leadership. Spencer uses the example of her early business decisions to illustrate how clarity (or the lack thereof) influenced her journey. These real-life examples spark a crucial dialogue about how leaders can cultivate clarity within their teams and influence their paths towards collective success.

The Workbench: My Takeaways

  1. Embrace Your Entrepreneurial Journey: Each phase of entrepreneurship offers invaluable lessons. Embrace them with an open heart and mind.
  2. Clarity Is Non-negotiable: Successful leaders know which direction they’re heading. Cultivate clarity in your purpose and approach.
  3. Communication Unlocks Doors: Whether it’s transforming obstacles into opportunities or aligning a team with your vision, refined communication skills are your best tool.
  4. Ownership Leads to Authenticity: Genuine leadership involves owning your story’s highs and lows. Transparency breeds trust and alignment.

Your Action Plan

Kimberly Spencer’s journey elucidates essential lessons in entrepreneurial and leadership development — clarity and effective communication stand out as pillars for sustainable success. Here’s an action plan to incorporate these insights into your endeavors:

  1. Audit Your Clarity: Evaluate whether you possess a clear direction in your business or career, and identify areas of ambiguity that need refinement.
  2. Enhance Communication Skills: Actively seek opportunities and resources to polish your communication, be it through courses, mentorship, or practice.
  3. Cultivate a Culture of Ownership: Incorporate transparency, accountability, and ownership into your leadership style and encourage these values in your team.
  4. Pursue Thoughtful Visibility: Be strategic in how and where you choose to share your message, ensuring it aligns with your core values and mission.


Kimberly Spencer’s wisdom is a clarion call to rediscover the core values that once made and continue to make entrepreneurship and leadership such exhilarating quests. By embracing clarity and honing our ability to communicate our visions effectively, we can unlock the doors to not just temporary success but lasting significance in our chosen fields.

What step will you take today to bring clarity and improve communication in your leadership or entrepreneurial journey? Remember, “Everything Changes,” but it is clarity and prime communication that will navigate your long-term leadership success.

Check out this full episode of The Leadership Toolkit podcast with Kimberly Spencer on Spotify, my YouTube Channel, Or click to watch below.

Check out past episodes of The Leadership Toolkit on YouTube or your favorite podcast platform!

Our host, Mike Phillips is a seasoned leadership educator and expert. He has a knack for extracting the most valuable insights from his guests. His passion for helping individuals reach their leadership potential shines through in every episode. Thank you for reading and watching. Please share this with someone who needs this message today!


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