It’s time for positive transformation! Leadership isn’t just about guiding teams and driving revenue—it’s increasingly about fostering well-being, resilience, and personal growth. Mike, the engaging host of the Leadership Toolkit podcast, recently welcomed Dr. Renee Moorefield, a pioneer at the intersection of well-being and leadership, to delve into how the science of human thriving can revolutionize our approach to leadership.

Bringing Science into Leadership

Dr. Renee Moorefield, co-founder and CEO of WisdomWorks, isn’t just about fancy titles and academic laurels; she embodies the essence of empowering leadership. WisdonWorks is a testament to her dedication, making the often intangible science of human thriving accessible and actionable for leaders and teams worldwide. Through their “Be Well, Lead Well” platform, Moorefield and her team are pioneering the journey towards integrating well-being into the very fabric of leadership.

Proximity and Perspective

Highlighting the quirky fact that both she and Mike are nearly neighbors, Dr. Moorefield brings a refreshing perspective on the relevance of local community in global change. It’s a potent reminder that transforming leadership and instilling well-being starts with the world right around us, highlighting the interconnectedness of our personal and professional lives.

The Art of Thriving: More Than Just Living

Dr. Moorefield reminds us that thriving isn’t merely surviving. It’s about flourishing—cultivating an environment where individuals can grow, innovate, and impact positively. By grounding leadership in the science of thriving, leaders don’t just guide their teams toward goals but nurture an ecosystem that supports well-being, resilience, and ultimate fulfillment.

Transformation at the Helm

For those aspiring to transform their leadership approach or seeking to infuse their teams and organizations with holistic growth, Dr. Moorefield’s insights are invaluable. Leadership, as demonstrated by her expertise, becomes a tool not only for exceptional productivity but for extraordinary change in the lives of the people it touches.

In alignment with the thought-provoking mission of the Leadership Toolkit podcast, this conversation beckons leaders at every level to reimagine their role. It’s an invitation to incorporate the principles of human thriving into their leadership DNA, redefining success beyond metrics and deliverables to the well-being and holistic success of their teams.


Dr. Renee Moorefield’s conversation with Mike extends beyond a simple podcast episode; it is a clarion call for current and aspiring leaders to adopt a more integrated, well-being-focused approach to leadership. In a realm where the digital and personal intersect more than ever, understanding and applying the science of human thriving isn’t just beneficial—it’s essential for true, sustainable success.

Key Takeaways

  1. Integrate Well-being into Leadership: Leaders need to look beyond traditional metrics of success. Integrating the science of human thriving into leadership practices can catalyze profound personal and organizational transformation.
  2. Localization of Global Change: The journey toward broader global change in leadership and organizational culture can begin in our local communities or even our neighborhood circles, emphasizing the power of proximity.
  3. Human Thriving is the New Metric: Success in leadership should include metrics of well-being, resilience, and personal growth, urging a shift from conventional productivity metrics to indicators of holistic thriving.
  4. Transformation is Within Reach: Every leader has the potential to be an agent of change, impacting not just the bottom line but the lives of individuals they lead. Dr. Moorefield’s work with WisdomWorks acts as a roadmap for this transformative journey.

The ripple effect of a single conversation about integrating human thriving secrets into leadership models is profound. By exploring these concepts further, via WisdomWorks and leadership development resources, leaders can take the definitive yet actionable steps towards nurturing an environment where true flourishing is the norm, not the exception. The pathway towards transformative change is both a challenge and an invitation – let’s accept it.

Check out this full episode of The Leadership Toolkit podcast with Dr. Renee Moorefield on Spotify, my YouTube Channel, Or click to watch below.

Check out past episodes of The Leadership Toolkit on YouTube or your favorite podcast platform!

Our host, Mike Phillips is a seasoned leadership expert with a knack for extracting the most valuable insights from his guests. His passion for helping individuals reach their leadership potential shines through in every episode. Thank you for reading and watching. Please share this with someone who needs this message today!


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